"He loves you, Elena"

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Elena's POV (The next day, The DIC headquarters)

I was awakened from my sleep by a light knocking on the door. When I reached for my phone, I saw that it was already 8am. Well... I have to admit, this mattress is definitely not the cheapest one, since I slept so well on it.

Still half asleep, I dragged myself out of bed and headed towards the door. When I opened it, Jasmine appeared in front of my eyes.

Jasmine: Good morning, Elena - She smiled warmly.

Elena: Oh, hi - I looked at her slightly surprised and embarrassed - Can I help you somehow? Something happened?

Jasmine: No, everything is fine - she chuckled lightly - I just wanted to talk to you.

Well, I have no idea what's going on here. Yesterday, she didn't want to talk to Luka in front of me, and now she came to talk to me herself? Now she wants to talk to me?

Well... I guess I don't have any other choice. This building is not my place, it's hers. Besides, I don't like to argue or be mean, so...

Elena: Um, sure - I slightly moved to the side and invited her inside - Please, come in.

Jasmine: Thank you - She slowly entered my room with what seemed like a plastered smile.

I followed her with my confused gaze as I slowly closed the door and watched all her stiff, automatic, and even robotic movements. People, do they torture you here if you slouch?

Jasmine: So... - She sat straight and elegantly on the couch - How are you? - She started hesitantly.

Elena: Are you serious? - I laughed disorientedly and sat comfortably on the couch - So many people in one building and you still can't into small-talk?

Jasmine: I'm sorry, I... - Embarrassment immediately appeared on her face.

Elena: Don't you even dare, sweetie - I pointed my finger at her and got up from the couch - People, what's wrong with you? Stop behaving like robots. Chill out a bit... - I sighed and walked towards the kitchen island - Coffee? Tea?

Jasmine: Coffee, if I could... - When I heard that, I immediately looked at her firmly and raised my finger - Yes, coffee, thanks - She chuckled.

Elena: Finally - I laughed and shook my head while preparing coffee for us.

During the boiling of water and waiting for the coffee to be ready, there was quite an awkward silence between us. From time to time, I glanced at her, but she still sat stiffly, like in some business meeting. We exchanged single, quick smiles, but the awkward atmosphere could be felt.

After a while, I finally grabbed the cups from the table and approached her. Thanks to this, I can finally somehow kill this grave atmosphere. I handed her the coffee cup and I again sat comfortably on the couch. Of course, I wasn't ashamed to put my bare feet on the couch.

Elena: You know, you don't have to sit like you're at a business meeting? - I laughed, disoriented, and nodded towards her stiff legs - Nothing will happen if you take off your shoes and put your feet on the couch. Although... - I touched my chin - I'm not provoking you, but you don't have the guts to dirty the boss's couch with your shoes - I chuckled.

She chuckled too and to my surprise... she also settled comfortably on the couch. From what I see, there is still hope in her corporate soul.

Jasmine: I have to admit, you're quite interesting, Elena - She took a sip of coffee.

Elena: What do you mean? - I looked at her slightly surprised.

Jasmine: I talked to Luka and he told me that you chatted with our secretaries - She giggled slightly - We don't do that here on a daily basis.

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