"Love, Jake"

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Elena's POV (A few hours later, Phil's car)

I have to admit, Jake really knew what he was doing when he was looking for the perfect hiding place to escape from his persuaders. This place is impossible to find, believe me. The town is three hours away from Duskwood and we've already gotten lost three times!

During our journey, I didn't talk much with Phil. What can I say? I know he's upset about this whole situation.

But the silence is just unbearable, so I decided to break it...

Elena: Thank you for coming here with me, Phil - I glanced at him and smiled lightly.

Phil: You knew I was going to come with you. - He said firmly and changed course, still looking ahead - That's why you let me stay and listen to this crazy story. You wanted to choose me from the beginning. I know that, Elena.

Immediately, my whole face turned red. Well... I have to admit that for a moment, I considered the option of taking Phil with me. I just didn't know how to ask him, so I was relieved when I saw him at my doorstep.

Elena: Phil, listen... - I sighed and looked ahead, leaning my head on my hand, elbow resting on the door. - You're my friend, and I would never lie to a friend.

Phil: What are you talking about? - I saw him look at me with his narrowed eyes - Why would you lie to me?

Elena: I know you're in love with me, Phil - I glanced at him.

Phil: And what? - He shrugged, looked ahead again, and changed course - I know you're aware of it. That's not a lie. I don't know what your problem is.

Elena: I don't want to hurt your feelings, Phil - I looked at him sadly - Really, I'm so, so sorry. I love you, but not in the way you love me. You know me, you read my thoughts like no one else. I could say we're kindred spirits, but... - I sighed and looked ahead again.

Phil: But you love Jake - He chuckled lightly and quietly, still looking at the road.

Elena: This is... - I took a deep breath - Complicated. Now, I don't know what I feel anymore. It's like... I don't know anything! - I said louder and slightly annoyed - I seriously don't know anything anymore! I don't know what he feels for me! I don't even know who he is anymore, Phil! - I sighed nervously and rested my head on the headrest - When he called me on the day we saved our friends in that cabin, I saw him in some damn base! A base! - I spread my arms in front of me and looked at him - Plus, his damn "friend" enlightened me that there are actually more of them - I laughed sarcastically and made a quote gesture with my fingers, then felt tears in my eyes - I even start to doubt if all those things he wrote to me were true...

Then, Phil took my hand and placed it, along with his, on the gearshift. After a moment, he started slowly and calmly...

Phil: Listen, Elena, I won't force you to love me - He sighed and changed gears again with our intertwined hands - However, I also don't want to be your second choice. It wouldn't make any sense, it wouldn't be true love - He shrugged - It should come naturally. Elena, you changed me - He said firmly and briefly glanced at me - Since I met you, I finally felt the need to slow down. No woman has ever had such a strong influence on me as you, Elena. And that's something natural - He smiled slightly - You know that too because you experienced it, but with Jake, not me. Maybe if we had met first? - He looked at me and chuckled.

Elena: Maybe - I chuckled lightly too.

Phil: Yeah... - He stretched with a smile and looked ahead again - Anyway, I don't know if Jake will be a good choice for you - He shrugged - Only he can answer that question for you - Then he paused for a moment and took a deep breath - Elena, I've always loved you and I will love you no matter what happens. But unfortunately, I know that Jake loves you too - He changed gears again - It's like... that guy was ready to sacrifice his own life to save yours - He chuckled lightly - Not theirs, yours, Elena - He emphasized firmly - I know that because if I were in his place, I would do exactly the same. I sincerely hope we find him. If it makes you happy, I'll do everything I can to help you find him. I know you'll never love me as much as I loved you, but I have to live with that - He smiled slightly - But that doesn't change the fact that I need you, Elena - He looked at me and sighed sadly - I couldn't bear losing you. That's why I intend to be the best friend you've ever had. I'll try to leave this chapter behind, but I need you by my side. Your friendship means everything to me now, the rest will heal with time - He smiled slightly and looked at the road again.

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