❄️|| Chapter 48: The Illusionist Cave (2) ||❄️

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Chapter 48: The Illusionist's Cave (2 )

Yoongi was leisurely walking down the uneven ground of the forest. It smelled of fresh rain and grass. He closed his eyes. Feeling the chilly air caressing his cheeks like the sweet touch of a lover. However, he didn't have the time to relish it when his steps unexpectedly stopped.

The silent rustle of leaves and the eerie atmosphere enveloped him.


With swift movements, he positioned the bow in front of him and pulled the string while minding the direction of the surrounding air. The ice arrow materializing.

It's tip deathly glaring.

His eyes dimmed when he caught a careless movement several meters away from him. Without hesitation, he released the string, and it pierced through the air.


A beastly roar sounded and came to a dead stop. Yoongi narrowed his eyes, and he ran towards the direction of the sound.

His footsteps were fast yet quiet. Afraid of rousing other creatures in this dead forest. His eyes caught a large wolf-like corpse lying on the mossy ground. The tip of the arrowhead pierced through from the front of its neck to its nape. Blood dripping continually and a puddle of crimson soaked the ground. The moss absorbing the scarlet liquid hungrily.

Yoongi walked towards the beast's lifeless body, uncaring of the blood staining the heels of his shoes. Before he could even inspect the corpse, the beast's body glowed a bright blue before it deformed, shaping into a small thumb-sized sapphire orb. It hovered in the air shortly before it descended by gravity.

Yoongi caught it between his fingers before it hit the ground. He raised it to his face and examined attentively. Curiosity overwhelmed his surprise in seconds. It was a pity he hadn't brought his favorite satchel with him...

Without warning his white band gleamed a bright light and a message materialized, levitating inches above his bracelet.

'1 spirit pearl obtained, 99 remaining'

Afterwards, a timer appeared under the message. He was left with two-and-a-half hours after spending half an hour walking around. Yoongi frowned as his eyes turned listless. Right, it wasn't the time for relaxation and comfort. He needed to finish the trials as quickly as possible if he wished to obtain peace and comfort. He mentally berates himself for being so irresponsible.

He tapped the pearl on his white band and it instantaneously disappeared, absorbed by his bracelet. The light receded and Yoongi lifted his gaze ahead. Time was running, so he needs to find more beasts to slay.

He gazed up in the sky as he started moving ahead. It was cold around this part of the forest. Perhaps most of the beast were hiding unless they were hungry. He has read that winter had recently passed in Thaeria. It could be possible the beasts might be awake from hibernation in search of food.

Lowering his gaze, Yoongi sliced the pale skin on his forearm with the sharp end of his longbow. Blood seeped out from the cut and it poured down his arm in streams. The scent of iron blended in the air around him.

Although he has only read about countless species of beasts in books he had never actually seen them so he could only trust his instinct as he moved forward. However, he knew that the sweet scent of blood belonging to humans was easy bait to lure both large and small beasts. Why does he have to laboriously search for beasts when he can make them come to him instead?

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