❄️ || Chapter 29 || A Blushing Yoongi ❄️

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|| Chapter 29 || A Blushing Yoongi

"You're healed," said the healer, smiling. "The wound isn't very deep and it seems you have no other injuries other than the one on your waist".

Yoongi thanked the healer and she went to tend to the other injured. The Little fox on his lap climbed unto its shoulder and without a second thought took a short nap, the transformation had worn him out wearily. Yoongi did not waken him and instead let him sleep comfortably. Although, he wondered how Mochi would still be able to keep his balance on his shoulder every time Yoongi moves.

"Does it still hurt?" Hoseok worriedly asked, his thick brows knitted. "Don't try to hide anything from me. If it hurts anywhere don't hide it".

"I'm alright, elder brother" Yoongi stood up, feeling very lively but a bit exhausted. He annoyingly flicked his long hair behind him and it fell like a silver waterfall on his back. His gaze watched the departing back of the Archnoble as he disappeared into the crowd.

Knights from their respected Noble households came to escort their young masters and mistresses. Fancy carriages came and crowded outside the Vernallia estate as well as numerous sentinels from Sentinel guilds heading towards the Midnight Florae garden entrance in an orderly manner.

Hastened footsteps sounded heavily on the warm stone pavement as a tall figure narrowed his brows, a worried expression etched his handsome face while his forehead sweated. Ash brown strands fell from his previously neatly styled hair as he panted heavily. When his eyes finally caught sight of the small frame of his youngest brother, relief quenched the worries in his heart.

The youth's silver eyes brightened as he spotted the familiar frame of his eldest brother. "Jaebum...".

"Yoongi..." Shoulders slacked in relief as Jaebum walked over towards Yoongi with easy steps.

He froze when he saw the crimson dyeing his little brother's clothes in deep red, his fingers trembled as he abruptly grasped Yoongi's shoulders. Like a dagger had stabbed into his heart and cruelly twisting it deeply. His mind repeatedly blamed his own self of failing to protect Yoongi from any harm that would come to him.

"You're w-wounded... " He stammered. His fingers reaching towards Yoongi's once wounded waist.

"Brother, I'm fine. The wound has healed. I am not in pain at all, I'm alright" Yoongi could not help but console Jaebum. For a moment, he thought this esteemed eldest brother of his would burst into tears! His eyes were moistening. Yoongi could not bear to see his revered and stern brother openly stammering and eyes watering.

"How about you, eldest brother? Are you hurt anywhere".

Yoongi intended to change the subject as quickly as he could for he was certain Jaebum would never let him go as soon as his wound was brought up.

"I'm... alright. The healers came on time to tend my injuries..."

Of course, judging by Jaebum's eyes, Yoongi was sure this brother of his was still doubting him. Pressing his lips together, Yoongi opened his arms to embrace Jaebum, stunning the tall man in his place. "You did well brother..."

The warm embrace quickly doused the flames of regrets like sweet gentle rain. Jaebum furrowed his eyebrows as he hugged Yoongi in response, carefully gripping his brother's shoulders.

He felt Yoongi's cold breath and the unusual ambiance of mana beneath his clothes. Because of this, he stiffened.

His hands harshly gripped Yoongi's shoulder as he pulled away and stared intensely into his little brother's bright eyes. There was a questionable shock in Jaebum's face, his grey eyes looked at Yoongi as if he was arduously searching for answers within. Yoongi only stood there utterly confused.

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