❄️ Chapter 5 || Searching For Brother❄️

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Hi there, I'm here again with another chapter.

Please enjoy reading.(◍•ᴗ•◍)❤

Chapter 5 || Searching For Brother

The Head of the Household, a strict father and a valiant leader, stood in front of the tall windows of the room. In his hand was a letter from his youngest son. He had bravely battled in both politics and wars but he could not fight the bitterness in his heart. When the news about his youngest son's tragedy came to the family, his wife had fainted and his two sons grieved.

He blamed himself a thousand times and very much wished would be able to reverse time. His heart drops at every empty news each time his knights found nothing from the search for his youngest son.

"Father..." Jaebum called. A worried expression etched his handsome face.

"Mmn.." His father responded.

Exhaling deeply, Jaebum took a step forward "The leader of the search team came by...". He hesitated. The news would not help his father's mood even if he refuses to say it.

The lord of the house turned to look at his eldest son, based upon Jaebum's expression there was no good news. His eyebrows furrowed, devastated by the continuous negative results. Two weeks had already passed since Yoongi's disappearance.

The Northern mountains were known to be so cold a person would die in just a few hours without warmth. According to the search team's investigation, Yoongi had run into the woods in nothing but thin clothes. The father had originally thought nothing could happen in his journey through the Lazuline Manor. He sent strong knights and maids to care for Yoongi. Yet such a situation still occurred unknowingly. Yoongi was frail and can doubtlessly be unwell. He was such a sickly child ever since he was little. The thieves were caught and locked up but no amount of torture could answer the doubts of the safety of his youngest son. Whether he was alive or not...

Jaebum stared at his father. A bad premonition clawing at his heart the longer he stared at the older man. Finally, he spoke, "I wish to personally lead the search for my little brother ". His resolute countenance faintly shadowed his anxious heart that his own father conceivably sensed what his thoughts were.

"I am not giving up the search, Jaebum.." His father sighed. He would refuse to do that. The lord walked over to his desk, a stack of reports laid by the side. Picking up a leather envelope, he eyed his son "The Golden Crown Competition is still a bit far and it seems you still have a lot of time in your hands..."

Jaebum nodded, relief washed the doubts in his heart. "Yes..."

Lord Min handed him the navy leather envelope containing the latest investigation report of Yoongi's disappearance. "I trust you to find your younger brother. Bring him home to us". He had placed his trust over his eldest many times and he knows he won't let him down. He prayed for a little bit of hope in his heart.

The determined heir nodded to his father. He will find his brother no matter how long it takes. "I will--"


"I am coming too" A voice rasped.

Jaebum stared strictly at the uninvited guest. His grey eyes flashed and he spoke deeply "You are going to stay here and take care of mother".

The identical grey eyes of the younger youth challenged his brother. Hoseok The second young master of the Min Household. An air of frost hovered over his clenched right hand. He threw a snobbish smile at his elder brother who responded at him with an unreadable look.

A Gorgeous White || bts_taegi_fanfic ||Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang