❄️|| Chapter 46: Saving A Beauty ||❄️

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Chapter 46: Saving A Beauty

The morning rays of dazzling light bathed the thousands of silvery-white strands falling in waves and swirls. A sigh escaped the lush lips of the youth sitting at the far side of the teahouse where the sun had knocked on the crystal panes of the tall windows.

His delicate fingers lifted a teacup to his mouth and he took a short sip. The sweet scent of tea entered his nose. His figure was isolated from the rest of the people in the teahouse. Almost all the tables around him were empty.

A small ball of fur was sleeping on his lap, quietly snoring. Mochi's snout twitched as he curled himself in his master's lap. His stomach was full of the biscuits and cakes he had enthusiastically eaten earlier. His sudden action made the youth glance at him with a softened gaze.

Countless eyes had swept over him but not one had the courage to walk over to him. Afraid of destroying the ethereal aura exuded by the youth and the heavenly atmosphere around his lone form. They watched him from afar silently admiring the painting-like scene. The white band on his wrist was undoubtedly exposed to those eyes but no one had shifted their attention to it.

Yoongi was unaware of the gazes belonging to the people around him. In his mind, he thought they were mocking him for his delicateness and weakness indicated by the band on his wrist. He frowned, silver eyes narrowing and unfocused. He disdained the idea of being subjected to this discriminating treatment. But partially, he didn't care about what people would think about him.

"Finally, here..."

The seat opposite him was drawn back and Hoseok seated himself uncomfortably on the chair. A corner of Yoongi's lips turned up. He had stopped by a pastry shop on his way back to the teahouse. His hands were holding a delicately weaved basket filled with a variety of cakes. A particular brat's snout twitched as it caught the sweet scent.

"Are you enjoying yourself?"

Yoongi nodded in response, "How did it go?"

"By tomorrow, I will be returning to the guild so I believe we have to part tonight." He sighed, dispassionately. His grey eyes filled with worry and concern. "Tomorrow at high noon, you will have to go to the Trial domain alone. There, a short introduction will be announced. Do not let your guard down. There may be a few candidates intent to drag down weaker candidates. With your band, you may become a target. Do you know the realms you will be entering in the trial gates?" Hoseok asked.

Yoongi nodded, determination clouded his silver eyes. "The Illusionists Cave, the Mirror realm and the Blue, Fire Arena."

Last night, A message was sent to each contestant from the Elder council of guilds from each of their bands. They stated the realms to be entered and the instructions to use their bands for accessibility. Yoongi was a bit nervous. The contents of each realm were kept silent and he understood that the Elder guild specifically intended it to keep it that way.

He didn't know what to expect in the Trials but he was certainly going to succeed in all of the three realms. Difficult or not, he will make his family name glorified and known.

"Are you going to be alright?" Hoseok asked his little brother, worriedly. "The trial is no longer as easy as it was years ago. This year, the guild lords preferred to gain more promising individuals. I'm afraid it is going to be harder for you. I also have no knowledge about the Trial so I can not aid you." His voice grew sullen as his gaze lowered.

Before Hoseok would spout out endless excuses of pulling him out of the trials Yoongi hastily interrupted him. "Second brother, I will be fine. Trust me. I am already aware of what risks I am taking and also the possibility of death. However, I know I can do it. If it comforts your unease then I will promise that not a scratch will land on me."

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