❄️ || Chapter 24 || Hidden ❄️

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|| Chapter 24 || Hidden

"My second brother will be here soon. Unless you want to end up with a bleeding nose, I suggest you stay ten meters away from me"

Yoongi could not stand the thought of another stranger closing in on him except for his father and his brothers. The man before him clearly had evil intentions.

However, from a close-up view, Yoongi had to confess the man had really extraordinary looks. How many times has he had to admit that this man was the epitome of masculinity? His own scrawny body can't even match a wee bit of Taehyung's hair. Envy was like a coiling snake wrapping around him.

On the other hand, the object of his envy scrutinized his face. Taehyung wasn't sure if he should be intimidated or laugh at the cute warning this boy threw at him.

The drawn slender eyebrows and the pretty frown on his face made him look like a kitten with a bow collar brandishing his cute claws. "Was that a threat?"

"Yes..." snapped Yoongi.

A chuckle was accidentally released. With a sharp glare received, Taehyung grinned, even more amused. "That's cute..."

Yoongi could hear funerary bells ringing as he glared deathly at the lord. Bothersome, bothersome, bothersome...

"Why am I even involved with him?" Muttering to himself, the silver-eyed youth finally dragged his gaze away from the man, decidedly stepping back. Interacting with an unreasonable person such as this man could only burst his elegantly kept patience.

"Where do you think you are going?"

If it was another person, they would've instinctively shudder at the deeply commanding voice but Yoongi wasn't a bit intimidated. Instead, he moved farther voluntarily creating distance between him and the tall man. The blue flowers swayed with the breeze, watching like an audience at the strange scene before them.

"It is really strange..." Taehyung watched the young man, silver hair swaying along with his movements. A thought had emerged within his mind.

Folding his sturdy arms, his frame slacked in a relaxed posture as he speculated in his thoughts.

Yoongi chose to ignore as his back faced the man. He leaned over a high bush filled with dazzling glowing moonflowers. All thirty-six petals stretched opened, the scent of pure energy enshrouding the surrounding area. His mind, however, paid attention to the unusual tone the man speaking behind him had used.

"... I wonder why the third son of the Min family, who was born not inheriting his family's symbolic ability, could wield such destructive ice powers?"

The words immediately halted Yoongi's movements. Tender fingers previously caressing blue delicate petals stilled. Reality had unearthed itself in front of Yoongi's sight.

Just how could a giant knot in his character string have escaped his eyes? The man had witnessed everything, how could he forget it?

When Elliah had been the one to discover his powers, it was easy to keep her silent as he used his standing as her young master against her. However, dealing with the man in front of him was a completely different situation. Yoongi wasn't sure what Taehyung's aristocratic standing was in the noble circle, but if he had to judge the man's exuded aura, Yoongi was certain this man was powerful.

His silver eyes warily stared like a sharpened blade ready to cut pieces. Yoongi could not show any form of weakness as he stood erect, oblivious of his oozing battle-like aura. "..."

A Gorgeous White || bts_taegi_fanfic ||Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ