❄️ || Chapter 25 || Veialean Raid ❄️

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|| Chapter 25 || Veialean Raid

The air within the barrier was stagnant. External sounds could not penetrate the exemplary sound barrier created by the stern young heir of the Min Household. Yet, despite the absence of sounds from beyond the barrier, the man with steady golden sun-like pupils could perceive a vague oddity coming from the outside.

Taehyung had often trusted his intuition. This strange anomaly had him raise his guard as he looked past Jaebum's shoulders.

Yes, he felt it...

The befouled gaze of manic eyes.

He unconsciously glanced at the silver-haired boy beside him, realizing the lost expected perception of Yoongi. This boy could usually sense an upcoming danger accurately. Perhaps without the snow to aid his sense of awareness, Moulin was as ignorant as a baby bird.

Yoongi examined the red stone between his fingers. Bring his hand overhead where a halo of moonlight outlined the dull edges of the stone, Yoongi squinted his eyes in curiosity. If the evidence was truly precise within this memoranium as Jaebum had elaborated, the Sentinel Guilds would immediately send powerful people to intrude with the organization's plans in a blink of an eye. Yoongi didn't know anything about the organization named Veial but it certainly sounded foreign and infamous.

"Yoongi, I believe your brother does not look thrilled with the thought of your involvement in this particular situation,"

With a crease between his brows, Yoongi glanced at Taehyung before shifting his gaze upon his eldest brother. Unease was evident in his stern features as Jaebum stared at his little brother.

Concurrently, Yoongi had furthermore determined the implication of Taehyung's sharp tone in his voice as he spoke. The Archnoble standing beside him clearly wanted to finish things as soon as possible. Who was Yoongi to hinder him?

"Here... "

A pale hand presented the stone to the golden-eyed man, who swiftly accepted without a thought. In addition to the 'accidental' warm caresses of his rough fingers, Taehyung's perverse intentions were extremely noticeable to Yoongi.

"Thank you for your cooperation." A felicitous-looking smile graced the lord's refined countenance.

"But I believe we are too late..."


Interrupting Yoongi's unfinished words, a sharp chill flashed past Taehyung's face like a deathly cutting blade. Although the frost bolt nearly sliced the skin's surface, it left a sheet of frost on Taehyung's cheek.

Yoongi had reacted too late and horrifyingly stared at his eldest brother who had stretched out an arm. Jaebum had worn a deathly expression, an icy mist floating around his open palm. His steel eyes bore a murderous determination.


A heavy drop on the stone pavement noised behind the pair's back.

Narrowing his silver eyes, cautiousness finally seeped within Yoongi's instincts.

Stepping a foot back, the youth pulled back his shoulder for a clear view. A puddle of crimson liquid advanced as if slithering towards his golden-heeled shoes. The familiar iron smell of death enshrouded the air like a cursed cloud.

There behind him laid a breathless body. A needle-formed Ice blade impaled deep between his brows, penetrating through the skull piercing through his brain.

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