❄️ || Chapter 12 || Welcome Home ❄️

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|| Chapter 12 || Welcome Home

Warm and gentle rays of sunlight caressed the pale flawless skin of the youth in deep slumber.

The tempting sight of long wavy strands of snowy-white hair spread outwards on the enormous tassel pillows as Yoongi slept comfortably. His expression looked very serene while his chest rises and lowers, breathing peacefully. The moment the child-like voice had stopped speaking to him in his sleep, Yoongi's light eyelashes trembled awake. The glaring light of the morning almost blinded him as he opened his eyes bit by bit. Why was it so bright? Wasn't the mountains always grey and dim in the day?


"....!" Yoongi abruptly sat up from the bed startling the sleeping fox by his side, alarmed and awake. Mochi frowned and settled back into the fluffy blankets and resumed his sleep.

Slowly recalling the events from yesterday, he started to relax only to stiffen again when he felt a pair of eyes intently staring at him. Rubbing his eyes to adjust his sight, his gaze landed on a familiar stern man, seated at his desk and looking back at him. Jaebum noticed his already awake younger brother and greeted him with a smile. "Good morning,"

"G-good morning, elder brother" He replied, wondering how long Jaebum had been here while he was still asleep. He felt a little creeped out. The mature Lord in front of him had already washed up and wore a noble sleeved shirt underneath a navy double-breasted vest with sapphire buttons and a kind of bola tie with golden lion clasp and gold tips. How regal...but isn't he too dressed for the woods?

Turning away, Yoongi's attention was snatched by the vibrant red walls marked with glistening golden patterns of the room. His head slanted in confusion and his hair draped down his shoulders. Did they transfer him to another tent? While he was asleep? If that was the truth, he honestly finds it both clever and odd at the same time. However, the place he was currently in doesn't look to be a tent it was more like a room. It was also too luxurious for his taste.

The floor was carpeted with soft greyish high-quality fur that looked like it was made for the most delicate feet in the world. There was also a long bookshelf that covered half of the wall by his right filled with thick books varying in different colors. The bed he was sleeping in was shorter than the previous bed last night yet it was softer and comfortable. Everything screamed of 'wealth', even the ruby drawer knobs of the bedside table looked like it would amount to a lifetime of Yoongi's part-time jobs back on earth. Swallowing the need to go right back to sleep, his eyes examined the red-golden framed windows covered with thick velvet curtains. The rays of bright sunlight visibly beamed through the open gaps of the curtains.

Strange... the day wasn't this bright in the wintry woods.

Planting his feet on the carpeted floor, he stood up from the bed and made his way towards the windows. With a strong tug, he yanked the curtains open and the blinding light he wasn't used to, covered his sight.

As the strong light faded and his view adjusted, his breath was caught in his throat as he watched outside the windows. Even a little bit of snow was completely gone and what replaced the cold winter woods was the blossoming seas of white beautiful flowers, not one tree on sight.

Hills of flowery fields looked like waves of white stretching as far as the eye can see. But what shocked the soul out of Yoongi was the fact that the room was actually moving!

From a bird's eye view, A wide pathway cut straight through between the hills of blooming white flowers. Traveling south, three carriages each with a pair of strong horses, one being a red 'Vinch carriage' carrying the Min Family Crest, was surrounded by a number of guards on horseback.

A Gorgeous White || bts_taegi_fanfic ||Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora