❄️ || Chapter 32: Am I Really Cursed? (2) || ❄️

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Chapter 32: Am I Really Cursed? (2)

"Take my hand, Seer" Yoongi's soft voice like a whisper. His hand slowly lifted into the air, waiting. "Examine my internal body and see if your conjecture is true".

With raised eyebrows, Jinyoung looked at him in surprise. "But I cannot, young master. You have never known about it but when I had first inspected your internal body, I could not fully go beyond. There was something obstructing me, No matter what I did I couldn't go through it"

Yoongi nodded, "Lady Elliah did as well, but she managed to pierce through the barrier obstructing her. In truth, she was the very first person who knew I was an ability wielder"

Lord Fraunces widened his eyes, Elliah did? He looked at his two sons who were as well astounded. Then he quickly noticed the suppliant look in Jinyoung's eyes as though he was asking permission. If it was what Yoongi wished then he would agree almost immediately. He fixed his expression before nodding to him briefly.

Jinyoung bowed his head slightly before returning his gaze to the third young master in front of him. If Elliah could do it, perhaps, he could. Damn woman, she should've told him earlier about Yoongi's ability before all this had happened.

He reached for Yoongi's hand, kneeling on one leg before the youth's feet. The third young master's hands were cold and soft as he enclosed it between his larger hands. With closed eyes, he steadied his breathing.

The office enshrouded by silence, avoiding any interruption...

Jaebum glanced at his father, who was concentrating on both Yoongi and Jinyoung, his eyes were dim in fear of the results. Jaebum could understand. If his brother was truly a pured maeruthan, as Jinyoung had said, then there was no hope for them. He, along with Hoseok and his father, refused to watch his brother take his last breath, his brother would miss everything in his life, he had already missed most of it when he was always ill and bedridden every year. And now that they thought heaven had blessed his little brother with enriching health and abilities, what unveiled beneath was a miserable cursed life awaiting his brother. The crude hands of death waiting to receive his little brother's youthful soul. He refuses to make it happen!

Long minutes passed, Yoongi was dreadfully sweating, his shoulder's trembling as he endured the pain blowing up inside him. His fingers shooked as bit his lips, it felt like a thousand blades cutting into his guts, excruciatingly unbearable. But he persisted. He wanted to know the truth...

Jaebum had sensed it. With his keen eyes, he noticed the slight tremble of Yoongi's curved shoulders. His youngest brother was in pain!

"Stop! Let go right now!"

Jinyoung was already deaf to the outside world as he concentrated. His spirit sense seeping deeper and deeper as he plans to force himself through the barrier coating Yoongi's internal soul. The moment he succeeded, Yoongi grit his teeth a painful whimper had unfortunately escaped his lips.

Everyone except Jinyoung had noticed. The Lord quickly ordered, shouting at Jinyoung to let go but it was futile. He turned to Jaebum and Hoseok and they understood almost instantly. They marched around the two but before Hoseok could wrench Yoongi's hands free, a pale tender hand was raised halting their movements.

The three people stiffened. Silver eyes glared coldly at each of them. They glowered with anger and pain. With his eyes, Yoonu relayed his thoughts.

Do not touch me...

The brothers were unwilling but it was the very first time Yoongi had looked at them with such angered yet pleading eyes. If they really wanted to know about Yoongi's circumstances they shouldn't interfere. They stayed rooted in their places, a sheet of reluctance coating their eyes. They wished to look away but couldn't, helpless.

A Gorgeous White || bts_taegi_fanfic ||जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें