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A year before the pandemic..

It catalysed a moment in time for every single soul on this planet, brought about change and life and love..something we all so desperately needed, so yearningly craved. For so long had we been trapped in this world, surrounded by draining ignorance and petty argument, consumed by some force we thought greater than us, more powerful. A year before the pandemic, we were awakened to something inside of us that has been there all along, just waiting to be embraced. So, embrace it. Live your life freely, live your life as you were meant to, and stop hiding. Stop procrastinating. Stop, and pause. Close your eyes, listen to the soft melody floating around you..it holds the secrets you wish to uncover, the truths you need to hear, and the answers you've been waiting for.

A year before the pandemic, we were all sat in this silence so thick, so frightening, forever trapped to be alone, and then something amazing happened. Something we cannot see with the human eye, with our human sight. Something bright and beautiful exploded like a supernova in our hearts and we were Awakened to the magnificence that is Human Life. Suddenly we were surrounded with the people that we love most, separated from those who wished only to be a burden upon our shoulders, and given a gift that we have had all along. A year before the pandemic tragedy hit and suddenly the world was thrust into this strange and frightening and gorgeous chaos. Embrace it, and fly free. Life is not always what it seems.   

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