Letter to You

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Fall into the earth once more...

To lie beneath the trees and become one with the soil, with the grass, with the sun warming your skin is not to die but to be once again reborn. To breathe out a sigh of relief as you leave this mortal vessel, I presume, comes with a sensation of freedom. With all of your earthly worries leaving you, with all of the pain and suffering you endured, to me, must be like the weight of a thousand tons of built heartache just being lifted off of your shoulders.

Let yourself breathe clean air, let yourself float amongst the clouds and allow your soul to Finally be at peace..no longer will you worry about money nor will you be afraid of starvation..addiction will be no more a burden to your heavy heart. You will simply be, and to simply be is all I wish for you.

No more needles, no more drugs and no more homelessness.

No more asking for money, no more going to bed hungry.

No more cold air biting at your bare and sunken face, no more pain.

I don't want to lose you, I don't want you to leave this earth because I have already lost so much in the past, but I don't want you to suffer any more than you have to.

All you do is fight, all you do is struggle and it is all in vain for addiction has consumed you. You deserve peace, you deserve silence, you deserve freedom, no matter what anybody else says.

Lie down with me one last time under the trees and together we can laugh until you leave, together we can all of your favourite snacks and I will be there when you go. I will hold your hand as you did mine when I was scared. Please stop fighting and let yourself become one with the soil, with the grass and with the sun warming your tired skin.

Let yourself be free..

Free of the pain,

Of the drugs,

Of the grief,

and Fall into the earth once more... 

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