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Flowers bloom at my touch and an air of queenly grace blesses me as I air of wisdom and magick so ancient. A crown of hair like the flames you use to warm your cold and tired skin adorns my head, and from my heart light as bright as the sun shines, leading any lost souls home. It is I who cried out into the night when I loved and when I lost, it is I who protects your home and who fills your is I who brings with me from the Otherworld what you call Spring. It is I who you usher in to your wishes and it I who you celebrate. Brides Three I am and Brides Three shall I forever remain for it is I who calls you home. Bring with you your hopes and with you your soul and forever shall I breathe life into the grass at your feet and melt the snow in your path. I know your pain, and I know it well, so it is I who shall guide you as you grieve. I am Brigid, Goddess Three and Goddess Bright. 

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