In Ruins Pain Lies

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Once this castle stood upon this hill, formidable and frightening, with walls stained red and doors locked to any stranger that questioned the people who ruled. This castle once so ominous now lies in ruin and in rubble..stone walls have fallen to the might of an old oak tree and floors that once held the tired feet of mine have been torn from their foundation, and in their place are bushels of roses and ivy like the tendrils of a peaceful creature reclaiming its home. Flowers bloom where tears were shed and foxes play in rooms once dreaded by those who passed through them..inside the sun shines upon secrets once protected by an evil being that held them for so long, and it is in the sun that they lie, vulnerable and open to those who seek them. A little girl runs through the halls now, and in her wake she leaves an echo of laughter behind. Once she ran away in fear, now she runs through these ancient halls with the joy of a healed heart. It is with her heart grown that this castle has fallen and empire built upon by fear has gone extinct, much like the civilizations of those before us. They rose, they fell, and with them their memory, their legends, their truths and their lies. All of it lost now forever to time, and in their place grows life anew..the pain of those who walked through halls so hallowed has faded, much like the face of an old stone statue forgotten by its creators. Unrecognisable are their tears for smiles have replaced them and now a song can be sung about how the victims have prevailed, about how warriors once riddled with nervousness earned their rightful place amongst heroes so mighty. It is in legends and folktales that their plight lives on and to those who listen they give hope, inspiration, and joy! Forever shall this hallowed ground heal and forever shall the souls of those who stood up and fought rest always in peace... 

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