Magickal in the Mundane

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With just the tips of her fingers she can create whole worlds out of ink and paper for you to escape into, and only for a moment does she need to listen to find inspiration..for only a moment does she need to listen for it is found in the sun as it rises, it is in the melody that floats around her head and in the purring of a cat sleeping so soundly beside her pillow that she finds a whole universe just waiting for her magick to touch its soul. She finds the smallest of details hidden within a cup of coffee gone cold, in the light excitement she feels towards the coming of spring, and in the old bear that lays upon her bed, worn and torn from so many years of protecting a child afraid of the dark. Simple conversations about weekend plans, people reading bad poetry in front of an audience that sees them even as they stutter and trip so clumsily over themselves, and a car radio playing loudly as someone zooms out of the parking lot gives her just enough to give birth to a character she didn't even know would exist. It is in the most mundane details of life where the magick truly lies, and only with the tips of her fingers tapping away at a keyboard begging for gentler hands does she have the ability to create whole worlds on the screen of a computer..without her, those worlds made entirely of ink and paper simply wouldn't exist.

So, write, I say! Write with love, intense and contagious.   

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