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!!! Trigger Warning !!!

SA, Abuse, Death

Hands without consent touched her body while she wept, bloodied and bruised her if she tried to fight the hands of men she was violated, torn at until there was nothing but her bare beating heart. By the hands of men she was abused, left alone to die in a cave where nobody would hear her screams, where nobody would see her pain. Forced was she to look them in the eye while dirty fingers became entangled in her beautiful red hair. By the hands of men who sought for not but their own sick pleasure she was raped and so it was by the Goddess that she was blessed with eyes that turn to stone and snakes in her hair..night after night man came to her cave, unruly and unwelcome, and so night after night man went missing. For the first time she felt the power she had and she relished in it for it was held over the very men that left her for dead. The very men that tore away her clothes and left her naked in the darkness of that god forbidden cave. Soon her cave was full of statues, full of stone faces forever frozen in true terror for what could they do but surrender to all that is her? What could they do but fall to their knees as she leaned over them and Screamed,

"I am your toy no longer!"

To women from all the lands she was a hero, a warrior that no man would dare even think of defeating. It was she who heard their cries and she who saved them of their pain, of their torment. It was she who they looked upon with admiration for who else could save them but her? What other creature felt their pain, felt their suffering? Undoubtedly no Man would ever understand. But, as man after man ventured to slay her, man after man disappeared and there came a day that they had had enough,

"Tonight we slay the beastly woman!"

From the heavens their cries of misguided rage were heard and it was in a panic that the women of this world ran from their homes as the men marched on, determined to drag her from her cave and have her head as their trophy. To protect her was all they could think of and protect her they could not for when they came it was her disembodied head they saw, laying upon that damp cave all their sorrow they cried, they wept until an ocean of tears was born and in their laps they cradled her. Away with her tears, away with her pain...

Away with the suffering women of the world. 

a collection of whimsyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora