Sometimes You Know

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At the top of the staircase she stood, and in that moment time seemed to slow..there was a choice to be made. It was a choice she didn't know she could make, a choice that she feared because she knew that, if she were to stay, it would take years for her to finally heal. It would be years before she could finally even begin..and was she strong enough to endure the pain she knew was waiting for her if she so chose to stay?

To run was everything she wanted, everything she yearned was like looking through a window for her, a window that led out into what her future could be, and all of it depended on that one, single moment. A moment that, to a stranger, would seem so small and insignificant. But, in the end, she chose to stand still and let time come back to was in that moment that she knew..she knew she was going to heal.   

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