Curious Connection, Questions Unanswered

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We met in my was a perfect little meeting, I think. Perfect in the way a hopeless romantic would define, and all the more awkward for what do you say to a soul you've yet to meet in person? How do you communicate if only through dreams? We met, though, as I slept, and it was truly every way you would believe. Time went on, though, and we met in dreams during the night, during most nights. Over that time, we became much more natural in the way we spoke, in the way we laughed and in the way we never once questioned what all of this meant. Connection between us grew stronger until, one day, I simply couldn't take the waiting anymore.

You meet in dreams and for a while that seems to be enough..but the more you speak and the longer you wait the more you Yearn for them. The more you wish you knew whether or not this is truly Real. The more you crave their voice, their touch, the love. It hurts, and in the end you snap for you cannot bear the meetings in dreams for it simply isn't True..or, that's what you tell yourself, anyway.

The dreams come to an end, you move on..kind of. A part of you misses the dreams, still wishes for them to happen. The other, more practical part of you shakes their head in shame and embarrassment. What were you thinking? Why did you do this to yourself? You held on for so so long and now your hands are scratched and your heart is bruised. It wasn't real. None of it was real. You lied to yourself because you're Lonely. Are you convinced yet?, not entirely.

We met in my dreams, and then he looked at me in person. Do I still continue to deny my feelings, my gut instincts? I do, because who am I to deserve something so Beautiful? Who am I to deserve a meeting so Utterly Perfect? So much now remains unknown to me and I want to scream at the heavens for holding back the information I crave, the secrets I desire..but am I ready yet? Am I ready to know what the meetings in my dreams mean? Am I ready for what lies ahead?   

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