Life in Slow Motion

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!!! Trigger Warning !!!

Childhood Abuse, Trauma, SA

As a child the trauma you experience doesn't affect you the way it should because your brain simply cannot process the pain, the fear, the grief..hands touch you without consent, without kindness, words spoken tear away at your heart until what is left is bruised and broken, and there is nothing you can do stop it. So, everything starts to move in slow motion. Your body becomes numb and mind becomes terrifyingly silent in a way that is much too loud for you to even begin to comprehend. Life as it once was for you will never be again and so you find yourself riddled with childhood pains that you thought would've been long healed by this time..the grass becomes duller and the sky darker. Your soul hides away in a part of yourself that not even you can find and builds itself an impenetrable fortress of solitude and loneliness, you fall into depression, aggression, a constant state of survival because what else can you do when the world around is just so big and scary? Nobody will listen to you when you cry, so you cry alone, and when you scream for help, not a sound leaves your lips. Until the day you can finally leave yourself and step again into the warm sunlight, it is forever in a state of pain that you will live. Memories will come to you in flashes and the rest..well, the rest will remain a dark and untouched stain upon your heart.

I hope you can heal, love, and find the strength within yourself to be bright again.   

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