Soul So Divine

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   The soul found within the heart of a human being could hold a multitude of lives past and to simply glance in their direction is an act of disrespect, to truly relish in the beauty of such wisdom, such ancient and ethereal elegance is to turn their way and stare in admiration. Do you know, small being, how many lives they had to live through just to be here, blessing this Earth with their light so old? With their love so bright? With their song so golden? Time, to them, is but a mere illusion, but to you..the time she spent to travel here is something you would never be able to comprehend for you are of those who understand not the perilous journeys and the deaths so gruesome she had to endure. It is because of her that you are blessed with her laughter, with her eyes staring at you so thoughtfully, and yet you still decide it right to neglect and take advantage of her Divine beauty. You decide it right to take her heart and squish it under your dirty boots. You know not the wrath she could bestow upon you, mere mortal, you know not the anger she feels towards being left behind by those She chose with her mind, with her heart, and with her soul. You know not the grief she feels when you leave without a word said, without even an ounce of discretion towards her emotions. It is you, being so tiny, that has lost something so truly Rare. So truly Real. So truly Divine.

Because of your thoughtless actions, she will have the choice to cling to you like a desperate thing, or to move on with her life on this Earth and Finally begin to transform into the butterfly she was Always meant to be. And she has chosen to Transform, with or without you. It is because of her that this Earth, that you insignificant beings are Blessed with such an Ancient and Wise and Versatile being. It is because of Her that you beings are so graced with the knowledge she holds, and yet you choose always to live in ignorance. To live with the darkness in your heart instead of allowing her to help you Heal. To live with you in the fear and take your hand to guide you to the Light, to the Paradise you so crave.

It is in the grand scheme of things that she was placed before you, that you were given the chance to relieve yourself of the burdens of being Human, and to choose to thrive in conditions meant for you not is to choose to be without Her. She will thrive in the Light of her heart, of her soul, and live life so joyously without you. For she needs not a soul but her own.   

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