Spiritual Awakening

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Song, ethereal and ancient, echoes inside my heart

Stardust flows through my veins, fills my lungs as I breathe

Spirit beckons to my soul as I sleep, leading me through lands lost to time

It is from the heavens that I came, and it is upon this earth that I live.

Memories of lives past dance around me as I dream and I can do not but wonder about life outside of the bubble I live in now..wisdom like that of our elders lives within me, whispering in a voice I can sometimes barely hear, divine guides me on my path and it is to my highest good that they lead me. Can you hear them, too? Can you feel them? Their fingers caress your cheeks when you cry and their arms hug you when you laugh. They smile down upon you always, and always are they here to protect. We may all be beings divine but there are always those who stayed, who stayed behind to be with us as we are now.

Perhaps you've yet to understand

Perhaps you've yet to wake

They are here now, guiding me in my endeavours, guiding you in yours. Don't ignore them.

All they ask is that you Listen

Listen and be set Free... 

a collection of whimsyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن