Season of the Witch

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It is a chill in the air, when the earth begins to fall into a slumber so deep only the return of our sun so bright can wake her. Apples tumble from their branches and squirrels hide acorns in the soil, spirit paints the leaves orange, brown, yellow and gold. Light begins to fade, flowers to wilt and bears to sleep..death brushes her fingers so gently through fields of grass and blankets the earth in a silence only heard by those who wander the night. Magick so potent spills from the Otherworld into ours and from their dens the witches do emerge..their laughter fills the sky and bonfires like lanterns lead the fair folk home. It is a time of change, of growth, and of fun for the realms for when that door opens we all rejoice. Together we can be for a season of death and together we can feast for a season of life.

Blessed Be   

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