Dear Celestial Being

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Do you remember it? The magick? Dear celestial being, in all of your bound divinity, do you remember the stars? How they floated around you with such ancient grace? Does the song so old still echo inside your mind, reminding you of days before your mortal life? Does that tune so ethereal still lull you into sleep when you are tired? Dear celestial being, in all of your bound divinity, are you ready to come home?

We wait for you in yearning, my love, we wait so patiently to wrap you up in our embrace and welcome you back from a long and perilous journey. We wait amongst the stars and galaxies and dust for your return and with your melody we guide you through the night, we guide you through what darkness lies ahead for, in the end, you will come out a shining heart still. Dear celestial being, with all of your bound divinity, we yearn for the power to pry the pain from your soul and wipe the tears from your eyes because it is all but naught for us in our realm. Dear celestial being, in all of your bound and grounded divinity, we are Proud of you for making it so far despite the suffering you endured.

Out of your shell you did emerge with wings so magnificent and power so beyond the comprehension of any mortal soul you meet, and we smile upon your growth. We smile knowing how close you are to stepping into yourself once more, further than we have gone ourselves for it was too heavy a burden upon our shoulders. Dear celestial being, with your heart so bright and soul so pure, we thank you for taking the steps that we were too weak to continue and we thank you for being great enough to survive, to Thrive under the pressure of what feels to be a universe rooting you on. Dear celestial being, with your power so ancient and soul so divine, we are here to help you remember it. The magick.

What we speak of now, the magick, it flows through your veins as does the blood of your mortal vessel, it gives you hope, strength, and it gives you the power that you seek. Free yourself, celestial being, free yourself in all of your untapped divinity and fly towards the sky like we know you can, fly up with the birds, allow yourself to grieve those you may leave behind and return to us with a smile so bright. Dear celestial being, in all of your divine power, we welcome you home after a journey so exhausting, we wrap you up in our embrace and shower you in the love you so yearned for on earth. Do you remember it, celestial being? Do you remember the Magick?

Welcome home.

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