To Fly with the Birds

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it is in the sun that i thrive, in the light and warmth do i relish in the magic that i breathe and the song that i sing. forever will i be pulled from my feet and into the air by the wind so strong and with my soul will i forever fly above those who are destined to stay rooted to the land for it is in the night sky, amongst the stars, that i truly belong. it is with the birds that soar high above the trees and with the clouds that surround me in my dreams that i am one. whole do i feel when i leave my body while she sleeps and i wander off in search of the wonders found not on this earth but in the realms that i was born of. in search of the magic i so crave and the home i so miss. it is with the faeries flying high above that i yearn to be and it is with the witches flying on brooms that i feel the most joy. do you know how hard it is to live in a world where your feet are forever glued to the stone paths and dirt roads? do you realise how truly enlightening, how truly freeing it is to Fly? i do, and i miss it so. for now, however, i shall stand with feet planted firmly upon the sidewalk and with my heart up above, awaiting the day i am finally able to leave this mortal vessel and free myself once again... 

a collection of whimsyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora