Lives Past

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Cold winter air nips at your fingertips as you reach for your coffee, snow glitters in the night, floating down silently and covering the earth in a blanket frozen by Jack Frost himself. A person passes by and sends a jolt through your is in the eyes of this person you see a soul so familiar. Stars shine, illuminating their skin, making them glow, ethereal like a ghost. Fire warms your cold feet and together you sit, quiet as a snow so thick falls outside your window. A cabin found hidden in the woods and a blanket the two of you share. Memories from a life past..muffled laughter, a smile so welcoming, mittens gifted to you on a holiday no longer celebrated by any soul today. It is in the eyes of this person now out of sight that you felt a home abandoned by time. Windows cracked and wooden floorboards that creak under the weight of new feet. A hearth undusted, unswept. Covered in the ashes of those who failed to keep up. The breath is stolen from you and all you can do is stare in the direction they walked, your soul suddenly yearning for one you've yet to meet. A person passing, memories come and gone. Frigid wind brings you back to your life now and on with your day you move, unaware, ignorant to the connection once lost, now found again... 

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