Childhood Whimsy

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The whimsy of our childhood is not something that we lose as we grow, it is simply something that we pack away..much like the books your mom used to read to you before bed and the old teddy bear you couldn't leave home without. Without it, the world becomes a dulled version of what once was and what you wish could be again..time seems to slow and the games you played, the worlds you created fade into the background of your life, blending in with the old wallpaper of the home you grew up in. And, much like that old wallpaper, the hopeful sparkle in your eyes and that smile so bright and determined turns into something you feel you need to force upon yourself, something you feel you've lost sight of..

It's time to go back into that attic, dear soul, and unpack those boxes covered in a layer of dust and untouched for years by the sun. Motheaten blankets, books with pages as thin as a sheet, that drawing you made in first grade, now faded and your touch, it all comes back to like and that whimsy you thought was forever gone returns to you, breathing new air into your tired lungs. You laugh, you cry, you reminisce as all of it comes floating back to you..

Do you remember how brave you felt climbing that tree for the first time and seeing the neighbourhood from the view of a King? Can you imagine the pain you felt when you fell off your scooter for the first time, skinning your knee, and the relief that followed after your Mothers' magic potion healed the wound? That pile of leaves your dad raked for you in the front yard..was it not the Perfect hiding place, the perfect place to jump out and scare your little sister? With that whimsy you've found, branches of a tree can become swords and leaves little boats for faeries to float in, caterpillars are shapeshifters that can grow wings whenever they please and that trampoline in your backyard is only a launchpad in disguise..only you could control it. Do you remember how you could jump up and touch the moon?

Our world is full of that magic, that whimsy, all you have to do is remember it... 

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