Light Worker, Earth Healer

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A world of souls trapped within themselves..we are living within a world so desolate and yet music dances in the spaces empty between us

Open your eyes.

Life emerges from the ground beneath our feet, tendrils so green wrap around us, silencing the screams echoing out, silencing our pain

Wake up.

Death consumes our vision, all we see is shadow and grief because it clouds our judgment and we refuse to see anything but

Stop screaming, please.

Spirit confides in you, in your are powerful, you just don't remember. You don't remember the light, the love, the mission you were sent on, all of it is still buried within you

Can you remember?

Bring yourself back, open your eyes, wake yourself up and breathe in the polluted air to make it clean again..make it whole again..make it pure again

Don't leave us yet.

The earth needs your strength, asks for it so that she can recover and be healed once more. She needs the grass, the water, the sun..we eat it, we eat it all, consume it because we think we have no choice

You have a choice.

A world of souls trapped within themselves..we are living within a world so desolate and yet music dances in the spaces empty between can hear it now

Welcome back.

Our world can heal, we can all help the earth heal now..grass begins to grow, souls to breathe, to wake, the sun shines in on us once more

Thank you. 

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