Changeling Child

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Changeling child, with power so bright, with wings so pure, and with eyes that see not with the vision of a human but with the sight of the you lie, under lights that blind and in bed too cold. Here you lie in a room teeming with anxious activity and sounds that deafen your pointed little ears. Changeling child, with cries that pierce through the veil of our otherworld and pain the hearts of many, we come now to whisper words of wisdom, words of comfort so that we may ease your fears and bring calm to your tangled nerves..

Not are you alone with this world so everchanging and demanding of what humans call perfections for in your soul you hold a key, a keeper you are and a keeper you shall forever remain for we know you will miss greatly the world you were born in. A world full of faeries and light, with changeling children remaining none and three lights to guide you home, three fires to warm your cold hands. The otherworld waits for you with arms wide open and a smile so bright. The war is gone and for you we have prevailed. For you we have wared our swords and bloodied our garments, for you, changeling child, we bare our hands and bow our heads, hailing to you for you are our Queen. 

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