What Once Was, Now Forever Gone

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It is under the shimmering light of the moon and in the darkness shrouding her heart that her spirit lies, awaiting the day the warmth of the sunlight will once again grace her cold and damp skin..to her name now stolen all she has is a mirror and a song. A song that echoes inside her, brings her to her knees and clouds her judgement. It is with desperate hands that she reaches out to something she remembers not, to a version of herself now gone, lost to time. Like a whisper the memory of her life now lost floats through the air, carried only by the delicate whisps of a dandelion and burned away by the fire he holds to keep her hidden. A fire that burns at her and eats away at the humanity she has left, be it very little..when she sleeps her dreams hold not but a few faded pictures and when she wakes it is blood that she sheds. In all of her anger and her wrath she screams and it is with the very dagger used to steal away her life she that she kills..be it a sentiment of rage, we know not. She knows not. It is through her life she has spent waging war against those who stand in her way, against those who act only as a pawn to his game,

"I will hurt you not.." A threat hidden away behind sweet words keeps her at bay and yet, her powers are becoming too much to control.

A shadow darker than most stands behind her and it is in her anger that he relishes, in her fear that he thrives, and in her sorrow that he feeds..like a puppet she falls to him and with a smile so evil he laughs for how else is he to live? She is his anchor, his heart, his Power. And it is she that he loves..she that he adores..she that he cannot be without. To keep her is to need her and to need her is to keep her so to lose her with such careless actions..well, how is he to survive? How is he to simply Be without her near?

"..if you love me as I love you." A love so twisted and sick that she cannot bear it for any longer and so she begins to break free, for what shadow can truly control a being so bright? 

a collection of whimsyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin