"It's because I brought her here." Azazel came in, dressed in his usual clothes while having a large shit-eating grin plastered on his face. Whenever he made such an expression, that's when I knew that something bad would happen.

"Azazel, this better be one of your jokes."

"He-here is your… t-t-tea, L-Lord Hachiman." I could feel her anger and terror from her voice, especially when she called me Lord Hachiman.

It looked like it physically hurt her.

Even when serving me and Azazel some refreshments she would act very robotically when near me, before quickly stepping away from me. "A-anything e-else?"

I won't lie. I was feeling quite uncomfortable with this set up, but at the same time, I want her to keep pushing this woman's buttons. Though thanks to Asia, I was more clear-headed these last few days, so I remembered how I, out of anger and slight loss of control, bashed Raynare's head through the wall–nearly busting it open.

I once again realized just how brutal I was with her back then and felt slightly regretful and sorry.

Still, I mostly believed that she had it coming for her with how arrogant she was acting back then.

Azazel invited me inside to discuss the matter with Raynare. According to him, the other duo, Donhaseek and Mittelt were both assigned to serve Baraquiel as mere servants back in the Underworld as a punishment for their actions.

"As you know, our species has a problem of being very small in number. Even Heaven has more angels than the Grigori has Fallens. Our numbers are extremely limited and we can't grow unless there is an angel who falls to sin. So we can't really give out death sentences or life-threatening punishments to the few we have left… plus since Raynare and her goons didn't succeed at killing Hyoudou Issei–it helps to reduce the severity of their case." Azazel explained.

I understood his reasoning.

As a leader of one of the three major biblical factions, I couldn't imagine the pressure Azazel and the other leaders had to keep their species alive and strong enough to ward off all manners of dangers.

But something bugged me here…, "So, you made Raynare your personal maid? Isn't that technically a reward, since she has a crush on you?" Honestly, I assumed she must have been jumping in joy when she heard her role as Azazel's personal servant… Kala did mention her love for the governor bordered on fanaticism.

"Hahahahahahaha!!!!!!" And for some reason that made this guy laugh. I knew my gut feeling was right, he had something planned for me.

I noticed how Raynare looked to be on the brink of a mental breakdown with each passing second. Making the uneasy feeling inside me grow as well.

"Azazel… "

"Ah, don't sweat it, it's not anything major or diabolic that I'm planning. You know me, we've been friends for years at this point. Don't you trust me?" He said innocently, the same smile that makes me want to punch him in the face.

"It's because I've known you for these last two years that I know what kind of person you truly are–which worries me greatly," I told him straight to his face with my infamous dead-fish eyes. You could never trust a man who regularly screwed anyone over if he found it funny with his inventions. No wonder Baraquiel is so fed up with him most days.

"Awww, don't be like that, why I've brought Raynare-chan over here for a special occasion, hehehe." He took out a scroll from his robe and gently put it over the table.

"A-Azazel-sama please don't do this! I'm willing to do anything. Anything!" The sight of the scroll made Raynare break down in tears as she began begging to the man on her knees with tears streaming down her face.

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