"Hope you don't have the same weak mind she did", the older man said in a low tone.

"She is anything but weak, as I told you, she was born with the gift", "Gift?", I sat up, my face confused.

"That incredible strength you awakened inside you, it's a trait in your mother's bloodline, it's been in the family for generations".

"It skipped your mother, or maybe her body was too weak to handle it", Hiroshi said, "Have some respect father", Shota snapped at him.

"Respect? She was weak, her death was inevitable", he chuckled as he sipped his whiskey.

"Watch your mouth", my tone flat, "Excuse me?", "You heard me old man". "Rain, this is your grandfather, have some respect", I smiled, "What do any of you know about respect?".

"Rain, not now", Bakugo whispered, "No-seriously, this fucker right here", I pointed to my father, "Killed my mother right in front of me and my little sister".

"And this dipshit", I focused on the old man, "Well you're just an old ass piece of shit".

"And this asshole", I looked to Bakugo, "Tortured and killed the love of my life".

"And you", I stared at the black haired man, "I don't know you and I don't hate you just yet".

"Rain enough", Yagi glared at me, "God I can't wait till you die".

"Watch your tone young lady", Hiroshi looked down on me, "Go fuck yourself".

"RAIN ENOUGH!!!", he slammed his fists on the table.

"You don't scare me", my tone bored. He inhaled deeply and fixed his hair. "As I was saying, this strength Rain possesses, I've duplicated it", he folded his hands.

"I took some of her blood and crafted a serum", he paused, "I gave it to Light, my youngest daughter, to see if my work had succeeded".

"And it did, she became strong like Rain", he looked to Bakugo. "Then, I gave the gift to my two most trusted men, young Bakugo and young Midoriya and finally...myself".

"Now we all posses the same power your family has been gifted through generations", his eyes widened with greed.

"With this power...we can run the world", my lips parted, my eyes wide with fear.

"As long as I'm able to access Rain's blood, we can create the perfect army".

I was the key. This is why he wanted me so badly. I was a weapon. His weapon.

"Yagi...this is", the old man paused, "A new world and we can create it". "You fuckers aren't getting a drop of my blood", I shook my head.

"You look a little pale my dear", a grin grew on his face. My face filled with fear.

"What did you do?", my voice shaky, "Well every night you've fallen asleep, young Bakugo has been taking your blood".

"We have plenty, and we intend to keep it that way", "H-how", I whispered.

Then my eyes averted to the glass of water in front of me. And all the pieces of the puzzle fell into place.

"You've been drugging...me", my eyes lifted to meet Bakugo's. "That's why I'm so...weak", "We can't have you using that power against us honey", he chuckled. "Oh my god", I muttered under my breath.

"You're all... monsters", I shook my head, my eyes on the floor. "And when Bakugo marries my daughter...he'll make my dreams a reality"...
"And be the most powerful man in the world".

... "A symbol...of...God"....

I shot up from the table, "I need some air", "Deku", Bakugo nodded. I threw the doors open and rushed to the nearest balcony, Deku trailing close behind me.

I gasped as the cold air hit my face. My chest heaving up and down heavily.

"It's too much", I panted, "This- I can't....do this". I ran my hands through my hair, anxiety coursing through my veins.

"Did you know about this?", I faced him, his eyes trailed to the ground. "Yes", his tone low and regretful. I let out a shaky breath, tears welling in my eyes. "Why?", my voice cracked. "Why are you helping him?", I raised my voice.

"I don't have a choice Rain", "There is always...a choice".

"Sometimes there isn't", he looked down, I shook my head and looked to the side, wiping the tears from my face quickly.

I held the stone railing, my hands gripping the stone with all my strength.

"If I jump...all of it ends", I whispered as I stared at the ground below me. "Rain", his tone soft as he approached me from behind.

"His plan ruined...his dreams...die with me", I climbed on top of the railing, "Rain- don't do this".

A single tear fell from my eye to the ground below me. "All the pain will...be gone", I whispered.

"Rain- think about this", Deku pleaded, "Please".

I shut my eyes and let go.

Deku pulled me back quickly and I fell on top of him. "I can't let you die yet Rain", he held me tightly, "Just wait...a little longer".

Touya's POV:

"The problem isn't getting in, it's when we get in-they know our faces", Shoto explained, "We can wear masks", I shrugged my shoulders.

"Yeah, let's draw more attention to us", Shoto glared at me, "No we need a face he hasn't seen".

"And this needs to be quiet, slick", he rambled, "We slip in, grab her and slip out, unnoticed", I laughed. "And how the hell do we do that?", "You aren't helping Touya". "And you are? You're stating the fucking obvious".

"The obvious? I'm the only one who's come up with a damn plan", he snapped, "Plan? It's been 2 weeks and we don't have shit!", "How are we even going to get her alone- that fucking blonde haired grenade is probably going to be glued to her!". "Why don't you shut up and start helping instead of complaining!!", Shoto yelled.

"God will you two keep it down, I'm trying to sleep!", Shigaraki snapped. Both of us froze and our eyes locked. The same idea in our minds.

The room was silent for a while.

"That's it", we said at the same time, "Tch, what?", Shigaraki glared at us.

Rain's POV:

"Wake up princess, we're getting married today", Bakugo's words caused me to jump, I slid back on the bed. "No- we have a month- it's-", "Turns out your father is as excited about this wedding as I am, he refuses to wait for his new world".

"So I get to marry the love of my life today, and I couldn't be more happy", he held the side of my face but I slapped his hand away, "Don't touch me".

"I'll touch you whenever the fuck I want, you belong to me now Rain", my eyes stayed on the ground.

"No", I whispered as I felt my world crashing down on me again.

"You're supposed to be happy, act like it", he slapped me across the face and I fell into the bed.

I held the side of my face, my raw skin stinging.

"Slapping your fiancée on your wedding day, sounds like the begging of a hellish marriage", my eyes burned into his. "Get up", he said before he walked off.

I looked out the window beside me, the sky was cloudy and grey.

I didn't want to do this. I didn't want to be here, in his shell of a body. Anywhere else.

I was going to be a prisoner for the rest of my life. A slave. Today was the first day of an eternity of pain.

I hoped a meteor would crash right through that window and relieve me. Maybe a plane that would crush me to death. Or perhaps a nuclear bomb would fall into my lap and blow me to pieces.

But I sat there, and nothing happened. No metros, no planes and no nuclear bombs. Just a zombie that was once alive. But no longer understood humanity.

The doors flew open, men and women carried bags of clothes and makeup. "Yep, this is hell", I sighed and fell back on the bed.

 Too Late To Say Goodbye (Dabi x OC)Where stories live. Discover now