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A/n: Shit is gonna go DOWN and FAST. Again... sorry xoxo- and yes this book will have a happy ending I promise

His eyes widened when I lunged towards him. In an instant, he grabbed Shoto and held a knife against his throat, "You take one more step and I kill him", he snapped, I stopped in my tracks. Shoto struggled to free himself.

"Let my brother go man, or we're gonna have a problem", Touya walked to my side, "Touya ...the eldest Todoroki", my father laughed.

"Nice to meet you dick, your daughter calls me daddy too", Touya looked him up and down I smirked. "Excuse me!!", he yelled, "Did I stutter?".

"Let him go man, I don't want to hurt you", he sighed, he laughed hysterically and looked around the room, "Hurt me? You don't have a chance".

"Wanna bet on that old man?", he stepped closer to the stage my father was standing on.

"You think you can take out all my guards, funny", he scoffed, "Well, not just me- your daughter and I".

"She's skilled, but not that skilled", he chuckled, "Is he underestimating me?", I asked Touya as I turned to him, "I think he is".

"Well, if anything makes my blood boil", I laughed, "It's men who underestimate me", I cracked my neck.

"Take them alive", my father ordered all the guards. They slowly started to surround us.

My back was against his, "I'm not dying for you", he said, "I'm not dying for you either".

"I'll get Shoto, can you handle these guys?", he whispered from behind, "Yeah, it'll be a nice warmup", my eyes stared at the countless guards around him and I. "Give me an opening to him", I nodded.

"Alright, who wants to die first?", I asked aloud, they all froze in their tracks, "No volunteers? Fine", I sighed and pulled the guns from my chest holster.

I started firing them off at the first row of guards, "Seek them out now, one by one", I whispered as I focused on dropping them. He quickly switched our positions. "Now!", I yelled as I created an opening.

When I ran out of bullets, I snatched the knives in my waist band. I threw the blades at the gaurs rushing towards me, "HURRY TOUYA!!", I yelled as I fought them off.

In the corner of my eye, I noticed two guards drag Light's body away, they had helmets on hiding their faces, they looked more important than the others.

"HEY!!", I yelled, unable to get to her. "COME BACK!!!", I yelled as they faded into a hallway.

I grabbed one of the guards and threw him into the rest, causing them to all fall. I continued to drop each one as they approached me, snapping arms and legs in the process. I glanced back at Touya.

"SEND MORE IN!!", my father yelled in frustration, while he was distracted Touya snatched Shoto and ran down the hallway.

I ran after them, throwing my last few blades at the men chasing me.

"Where do we go?", Touya panted, "Elevator, there's a room in the top floor- we can get down from there", we started to run down the hallway towards the elevator.

When the doors opened, we rushed inside the top floor living room. "I'm clean out of weapons", I said as I sat myself on the sofa. "I have these", Shoto threw two guns down on the table, "And this one", Touya held his mother's gun.

"You guys should get out of here while you have the chance, it's just going to get worse", I grabbed all the guns and strapped them into my holster.

"I'm not leaving you", Touya said sternly, "Neither am I, we're in this together". I smiled from their loyal remarks.

 Too Late To Say Goodbye (Dabi x OC)Where stories live. Discover now