
Start from the beginning

"Molly, please just-just come back in the morning and I'll do whatever stupid shit you have planned." That had been another thing, he called her Molly and he'd only called her that when he was trying to be serious. She didn't like it, not knowing what was going on with him or if she'd done something.

"I don't have anything planned, I just wanted to hang out." She mumbled, receiving a hesitant sigh from him and he stepped towards her.

"I'm watching Dazed and Confused." He said, it wasn't a clear invitation but it was good enough for her to follow him up to the loft. "Why don't you ever go see Izzy?" He asked, pushing open his bedroom door and allowing her inside.

"Its nine, she's likely in bed already." She answered, making herself comfortable on the beanbag on his floor. Molly finally got a good look at him when the light in his room turned on, taking notice of his swollen eyes and the teardrops on his t-shirt. She knew if she were to ask why he'd been crying, he'd shut her down or make her leave. So, she stayed quiet.

Wyatt stared at her, debating on if he should tell her what had happened earlier in the day. What had caused him to fall into his bed and cry into his pillow. He knew she'd understand, but he hated the idea of saying it outloud and sounding pathetic.

But he couldn't not tell her, "my mom's in town."Molly's mouth fell open as he placed on a fake smile, the tears in his eyes forming once again. "She, um, she walked into the diner and she didn't say a word to me."

Wyatt and his mother had a simple relationship, tragic, but simple. When Wyatt had been conceived, it was an accident, two freshly graduated teenagers having too much fun one night. It wasn't until after he was born that his mother decided she didn't want him, practically tossing him over to a completely unprepared, yet willing, Luke. Wyatt hadn't officially met her until he was ten, when she showed up at the diner steps and begged to see him.

And Luke allowed her to. She'd gone several months with regular visits, until one day she stopped showing up. He hadn't seen her since and he was fortunate of that, having been content with it being him and his father.

"She just— what? Walked in?" Molly asked, Wyatt nodded, slowly making his way to sit beside her. "Did she say anything to Luke? Wait, did he say anything to her?"

"She just— she stood there, staring at me like she she was surprised to see me. She left before Luke had a chance to see her, he thinks I've been sick all day." He said quietly, wiping away the tears with frustration. "This is so stupid, I don't even know why I'm crying." Wyatt forced a chuckle, Molly's arms wrapping around him and holding him close.

"She doesn't—she doesn't deserve my fucking tears, I'm so stupid, I don't—"

"You're not stupid, this isn't stupid, okay? You have every right to be upset." Molly assured him, nearly letting a few of her own tears slip at his broken state.

"What if she comes back?"

"That's where I think you should tell Luke, and even tell her how you feel. Hell, if you want to tell her to 'fuck off', do it." Molly said, brushing back his untamed blonde locks to wipe away the fallen tears. "You got lucky with him, Wyatt, your dad did a hell pf a job raising you without her."

"The mommy issues just add to the character, huh?" He joked, trying to let out a short laugh as his tears began to stop. Wyatt sat up suddenly, "I need a joint." He said, rushing over to his nightstand and opening the drawer. Molly brushed off his quick emotion change, knowing he'd gotten out what he needed for now.

"Roof?" She asked, pointing up as she stood from the beanbag. He nodded and she pushed open the window, carefully climbing out onto the fire escape and up the latter.

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