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5 months pregnant

'I just need to push everyone out'
'Just let me push you out'
'Stop giving me more love i won't accept it'
My voice inside my head stays silent as I lock the bedroom door.
shutting myself in.
locking everyone out.

*knock, knock*

"Darling are you okay?"
"Go away."
"Oh ok"

Xiao's footsteps disappear as the front door shuts.
I lay in my bed curled up tears running down my face.
I don't want to shut him out, but he doesn't want to see me like this.

40 minutes later

*knock, knock*

"Go away Xiao"
"Oh ok sorry to bother you again"

A few minutes later

I hear a thud on the door I look over the edge of the bed to see Xiao's phone slid under the door.
Before he drops his phone
"Fuck." He mumbled form behind the door.
"Go away" I laugh a bit through tears.
He slides his card and a note under the door reading
'Order anything you want :)'
I laugh a bit, before my favourite sweets get pushed under the door.
"It stuck pull it" Xiao says on the other side of the door.
"Thank you" I whisper.
"Hey Y/n I have other items but you need to open the door to get them through so can you open the door please" I can hear in his voice he's smiling.
I unlock the door and open in just a bit.
Some donuts and Green tea get passed through.
"Can I please come in pleaseeee" Xiao pokes his face around the door.
I nod and his eyes light up crawling in and hugging me.
I giggle as his hair slightly tickles my neck.
"It's so dark in here. Your not a vampire are you?!" He jokes around with me before opening the blinds.

"How about we go out today?" Xiao suggests, I shake my head but he insist.
"You haven't gotten an ultrasound yet? We can go get one. Together. Just us no one else. How does that sound to you?" His smile comforts me, so I nod.

At the clinic.

"Miss L/N, welcome so today we are getting an ultrasound?" The nurse smiles, she's quiet a young nurse.
"Yes ma'm" I say holding tightly onto Xiao's hand
"Great. If you could just lay down and show your stomach that would be great. It's not scary at all it's just a check up to see how your baby is doing." She says, cautiously I pull up my shirt revealing the bump.
"Ok I'm gonna rub this gel on your bump. It's a bit cold but it won't harm you." She smiles before placing the gel on me.
I look over at Xiao who looks back at me smiling.
"Did we tell Hutao or your dad we are going here?" I ask, his facial expression changes.
"Oh shit no. They won't mind" he smiles back at me reassuring me.
"Ok. Now do we know the gender of the baby?" The nurse asks, I shake my head.
"Do you want me to tell you?" I look up at Xiao.
"Yes ma'm" he answer's

She places a weird looking device over my stomach slowly gliding it until a little baby pops up on the screen.
It's blurry but it's there.
I squeeze Xiao's hand looking at the baby.
I feel happy? Almost relieved.
I may despise this baby but it makes me happy to see it.
I look up at Xiao who is shocked to see this.
He looks so happy.
"And your baby is a girl! Congratulations Miss L/N!"
I cover my mouth with my hand.
Xiao leans down and kisses my forehead.
I'm to shocked to speak.
I don't know what I wanted.

We arrive home
"Y/N! XIAO! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!" Hutao shouts as we enter the house.
"Wait we can't leave the house?" I say confused.
"Not without us. What if things go wrong again?!" She says. My mood drops again.
"I'm not a criminal you know. You don't have to treat me like one"
I whisper.
"Pardon Y/n I didn't hear you?" She says her tone was sarcastic.
"I just lost control okay? I'm fine now! And I'm not like Xiao's mum okay?! I know what you'd ay about me behind my back. You think I'm crazy, I had a great fucking day today with Xiao and all I want to do is go upstairs and have a nice night with my boyfriend. Without being constantly supervised." I stand up for myself this time, Hutao stands in front of me shocked and ashamed.
"Y/n we are only just looking out for you and Xiao. You still kids. We are just trying to do the best for you." Zhongli speaks.
"Sir Xiao's turning 20 in 13 days we aren't kids anymore. We can fend for ourselves" I say in a nicer tone, before grabbing Xiao's wrist and dragging his upstairs.

"God they are so annoying! .... No offence" I say.
"So you hear everything? So you heard the last few fights?" He sounds ashamed, I feel guilty I should be mote careful with my words.
"Look there's nothing to be ashamed of! And I'm not doing this now, we found out that We are getting a girl so we need name suggestions, and no matter what it's up to you of what our daughter will know." I say holding his face.
Xiao smiles at me before tidying the room.
I hear muffled voice form downstairs so I step outside the room to listen.

"Look maybe we are being a bit to overprotective" Zhongli says to Hutao who has her head on the table
"We are fine, it's them! They are just ignoring the signs in each other.
How are they not seeing them?!" She complains
"Maybe they do. But they decided to continue with their lives but change their actions. Look Y/n knows she's affecting Xiao's life in a positive and a negative away.
In a negative way it's because she tends to shut people and stuff out when she's going through a tough time, and Xiao begging shut out can hurt him so when he suggests to go places she goes."
"And Xiao he affects Y/n in positive and negative ways. A negative way because he's more sealed with his emotions. It can hurt Y/n cause he won't open up to her. So he changed for her. He is very open about his emotions and thoughts to her.
The main positive away the affect each other is that they stuck together through tough times and easy times, they never let go of each other because they fell out of love. It was to protect or give that other person a better life. You see?" Zhongli says, I'm shocked. He reads us like a open book.
"Mhm thanks babe. Should I go speak to her or..?" Hutao suggests.
"Give her and Xiao few minutes in peace." She says leading her to her room.
I take a sigh of relief, someone understands, I walk in Xiao's room again.
He sits on the bed patiently waiting for me to come back, a smile grows on his face as I shut the door.
"We have come so far since we first met." I say pushing him down so I can rest beside him.
"I remember seeing you for the first time, Jesus I hated you so much. Then I slowly fell in love with you" Xiao laughs a bit.
"Ok but when you stood behind me showing me how to use the gun when your breath hit the back of my ear and you voice. Oh my god I fell so hard for you." I smile.
"SERIOUSLY?! Your so predictable
Y/n. I knew you felt something then, cause you paused" He says smug.
"Oi don't act like u didn't know when you fell for me!" I say gently shoving him.
"You definitely had a crush on me when we were at the pub and you actually talked to me. You acted differently" I say, Xiao goes red.
"YOU CANT SAY SHIT BITCH, YOU GO RED WHEN I DO SHIT" He shoves me while laughing.

I feel so happy and free.
not confined anymore.
Something about Xiao is just refreshing, he just gets me and my energy.

There's a knock at the door.
"Come in!" I say still laughing slightly.
"Hey Y/n I'm sorry for how I acted earlier. I just don't want you to get hurt again." Hutao says.
"It's okay. I get it, anyways I need someone to help with the gender reveal party?" I say slipping in the surprise.
"Thank you so much Y/n I don't want to lose you. I can help you with the gender reveal par- WAIT YOU KNOW THE GENDER?! OH MY GOD Y/N CONGRATS?!" She shouts hugging my tight.
"OMG WHAT IS IT?!" Hutao shout whispers.
"It's a girl" I whisper.
She squeals with excitement.
"IM GONNA GO PLAN SEE YA" she says running off.
Xiao and I burst out laughing.
I love him so much.
Have a good night/ evening/ morning/ afternoon
I'm so proud of you and I love you
Stay hydrated and safe and healthy <333

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