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I'm a month pregnant.
It's hutaos wedding day.
Xiao and I have to stay in a hotel because they decided to have the wedding Like 4 hours away.
I've been given a dress, It's a short Saturn strap dress with a white pearl purse, my necklace and ring Xiao gave me and some red lace heels.

I've been given a dress, It's a short Saturn strap dress with a white pearl purse, my necklace and ring Xiao gave me and some red lace heels

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"You look beautiful" I turn around to see Xiao mesmerise by my looks, I get stare at him.

'Holy shit. He's fucking hot. Oh my lorddd!!!'

He wraps his arms around my waist resting his head on my shoulder, swaying slightly.
"Thank you darling" I smile giving Xiao a quick kiss, I realise he's in his suit, it fits him perfectly.
"I told you it will fit you better then the size you picked" I tell him,
"well you only picked this cause it's more tight fitting and shows off my abs. I knew you found me hot" Xiao calls me out. I feel my cheeks burn up.
"well of course I found you hot!" I go to grab my phone, "You look very sexy in your suit babe" I laugh before walking in our room.
Xiao follows in.
I'm standing in front of the bed putting in my earring when I feel hands on my hips, "babe?" I turn around.
Before I can say anything else Xiao presses his lips against mine, One of his hands move up my body to the side of my face.
The kiss is long and passionately, we both want more, We are on the bed now Xiao is towering over me. I part away from the kiss.

[ teeheehee ]

I fix his hair then let him fix his outfit while I wait outside in the kitchen.
I check my phone.
"BABE! WE HAVE TWO MINUTES HURRY UP!" I knock on our bedroom door rapidly.

'Fuck we spent an hour just making out!.'

"I'm ready" we run out the hotel room, I run in heels down some stairs into the parking lot.
I slam the car door as I get in.
Xiao starts the car and we drive off, even though we are in a rush he still has his hand on my thigh.

We arrive at the venue, we run separate ways to the groom and brides room.
"Y/N!!!!!! YOUR SO PRETTY!!!!!" Hutao sees me in her mirror as she is getting her hair done.
Hutaos dress is a long burgundy red colour with a faint white ghost placed at the bottom and under the ghosts is a more fire orange. The top part has lace at the back to tie it up.
Her vail was white but it ombré into the same colour of her dress.
"HUTAO YOUR BEAUTIFUL!!! THE DRESS?!!!" I look at her as she stands up, her hair is in a braided bun on the back of her head with red flowers in bedded.
She walks over and gives me a big hug.
"I never thought this day would come Y/n" hutao voice got stuffy.
"Awww don't cry, cause then I'll cry and I don't have waterproof mascara on" I laugh Hutao giggles. We talk a bit more about the wedding.
My phone buzzes.

Xiao <3333
Y/n get down stairs I wanna show you something.

"I'll be back in a sec Xiao needs me." I smiles leaving the room.
"Yeah baby?" I walk around the stairs.
"Come closer darling." Xiao places arm around my lower waist.
I look into the hall. it beautiful. A chandelier hanging up on the felling with paintings.
"We will have this one day." Xiao smiles.
"One day" I smile back at him, his eyes are bright and sparkly.
"Anyways I should probably get back to my dad. See you later I guess" Xiao was about to let go of my waist when I pull him into a kiss, my arms around his neck while his arms are around my waist.
"Wait before you go" I say wiping lipstick off his face.
"Done" I smile walking off back to Hutaos room.

"Hey I'm ba-" I say slowly opening the door to a smashed room. Hutao no where to be seen. The window wide open with the ripped curtains and her dress left on the bed.

Dear Y/n
I've left. I can't do this.
I love him I really do but this isn't right.
call off the wedding for me will you?
I love you
From Hutao

I cover my mouth after reading the note.
"no no no no" I grab my phone and run to the grooms room.
"XIAO?!" I push open the door my eyes full of tears.
"Y/n. What's wrong" Xiao walks up to me, zhongli is sitting in a chair. He concerned.
"I need to talk to you it's... private" I try make it sound like something is wrong with me.
Xiao gives me a look and shuts the door behind him.
"Ok I lied hutao is gone and I need the car keys." I whisper.
"What do you mean she's gone?!" Xiao whispers back at me.
"She ran away trashing everything. Give me the keys" I put my hand out for the key.
He hesitates before handing me them
"Thank you. Don't tell your dad anything! act like something scared me about the baby or something." I say before running off.

I get in the car and drive off, I drive into town when I hear soft snuffling in the back. I park and look.
"Hutao?" I say looking down at her bundled up in the boot.
"I don't know what to do Y/n" she cries, I jump in the boot.
"Zhongli wants to marry you. He was concerned when I burst through the door.
I would marry him well not him but his son." I say
"Look getting married to that special person is like 1 in a million. Many people don't get to marry that person. But you got lucky. You met him. And yes it's scary it's a new part but you know taking any step in life is scary you never know how it will turn out. The good thing is I'm here for you and Xiao is. How much he doesn't want to admit it he does." I slightly laugh.
"Let's go get you a drink and let's go back ok?" I smile taking her hand.

We walk into the comer shop and I buy Hutao a bottle of sour Apple liquor, We sit on the side walk next to the car, "You know Xiao is probably scared shitless right now" I laugh, hutao looks at me.
"You told Xiao?!" She almost scream chugging the bottle.
"Yes he didn't tell his dad and you probably shouldn't drink all of that" I snatch the bottle from her and walk to the car holding her hand
"We are going back now. To tide the room and get you back changed" I smile,
"What would I do without you" she smiles back. We drive off back to the revenue.
There will be a Part 2 😭
There's already 1609 words

Anyways have a good morning/ evening/ afternoon/ night
I love you and I'm proud of you
Stay hydrated and safe and healthy

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