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(This will NOT be realistic in any sense of the imagination)

8 months and 3 week pregnant

It's 8:51pm
I'm putting away more baby products and setting up a crib in Xiao's room. When my lower back starts hurting like hell. I sit down lying against the wall, Xiao walks in "Hey I brought you some water. are you okay?" Xiao kneels infront of me.
"My back is killing me. My weight is going down and I'm eating like 2x more than I normally do." I groan trying to get up.
"Maybe that's enough for today. Just relax for the first time in like weeks you've been extremely nesting" Xiao helps me onto the bed.
"I have not been nesting!" I say offended, he sighs
"Y/n you have been out everyday spending over £100 on baby products. Where did you even get the money from and you need to relax" He slowly pushes me down.
"I definitely didn't get the money from Hutao and your dad." I sarcastically say while looking away.
"I'm sorry. My father the man who always 'accidentally forgets his wallet' gave you £100?! I don't even get £100" He laughs, I can't help but smile.
"I guess we know I'm the favourite out of the whole house" I say smug, I get off the bed to finish off when I feel a strong discomfort in my lower abdominal, with pressure of my pelvis. I stand still a hand on my lower stomach, Xiao's facial expression changes.

"Y/n are you good?"

"I think I'm having contractions." I watch as his face drops.


"Are you sure it's not false labor?" Xiao helps me pack.
"I don't know?! I'm ready lets go" I'm scared, I don't know what's going on.
We hurry down the stairs, Hutao and Zhongli are sitting on the sofa.
"What are you in a hurry for?!" Hutao looks over the sofa.
"She's having contractions we are going to the hospital we will see you there" Xiao opens the door.
"WAIT WHA-" Hutaos voice is cut off by the door slamming.
"Breath Y/n" Xiao starts the car and we are on the road.
"Well it's very hard cause the baby is crushing my lungs!" My voice is loud and scared.
"Everything will be okay Y/n I promise" he holds my hand right, I don't know what I would do without him.

We arrive at the hospital, we run up to the desk, Xiao tells the receptionist everything, I notice the looks that are shot at me in the waiting room. Looks of disapproval, disappointment and disgust. I feel my anxiety rise, I didn't take my meds today I just didn't think I needed them but I do.
My head feels fuzzy, I don't really know what's happening I just know I'm moving, I'm being placed on a bed Xiao's hand is squeezing mine.
While my vitals are being checked the doctors give me a look, it wasn't a concerned look.
"Miss L/n your not in labor yet, you have just experienced Braxton Hicks contractions. Which means false labor contractions but we will have to keep you in the hospital since your baby will be arriving soon. You have just have signs of labor so congratulations. We will leave you two alone now" She smiles while walking off my mouth slightly hanging open.
"Are you fucking kidding me." I scowl, melting into the hospital bed.
"They left the hospital gown you might as well change into it." Xiao hands me the gown I laugh at it, remembering iris and the others.

After changing into the gown Hutao runs in.
"DID I MISS ANYTHING?!" She tries to shout out of breath, I smile at her shaking my head, Hutao takes a sigh of relief placing her hands on her knees.
Zhongli walks in and sits on the arm chair opening a magazine. Saying nothing. I giggle, he's so unfazed.
Xiao's hand is still squeezing mine, I know this time is meant to be stressful or something but I feel so calm and safe.

4 hours pass

I still haven't gone into labor, Xiao and I are exhausted, Hutao and Zhongli have gone back home to sleep.
My music is playing in the background, Inside out by duster.
"Ye?" He rubs his eyes
"I'm so tired" I want to sleep so badly, but I don't wanna be woken up by contractions.
"I know darling, me too" He rolls over slightly opening his eyes.
"You know you can go home sleep and then come back when your ready?" I say.
"no I want to be here for you" he says trying to get comfortable.
"you know that's probably very uncomfortable." I sigh, he nods.
I feel bad I tap for him to sit next to me. Slowly but surely he comes over and sits on the edge of the hospital bed, his eyes look so tired and exhausted from today.
"We should really try and sleep you know" I say smiling at him, he tries to smile back but it doesn't work.

I kiss him on his forehead before He gets off the bed and curls up on the sofa it makes me sad but he won't sleep then so I let him go.
Before the lights turn off I throw him a few blankets.
"Night Xiao" I softly speak, throwing a blanket over to him, he falls asleep.
My eyelids are too heavy to keep open I end up falling asleep at 9:23pm.

1 hour and 30 minutes later
I groan rolling over feeling the bed underneath me damp and a dying pain.
I sit up turning on the light only to realise my water broke this time. For real.
"Shit" I whisper, I throw a pillow at Xiao accidentally hitting him on the head.
I call the nurses as he for and sitting up.
"What was that for!" He groans at me, opening his eyes slightly.
"I'm in labor you twat! Real this time!" I say in agnoy.
"Oh my fuck" He says getting up to comfort me while calling Hutao and Zhongli.
"babe. Y/n your gonna be okay" He holds my hand looking at me in my eyes. It hurts so much, more than a knife in you.
"I hurts so much" I start crying the pain is unbearable, no one told me about this.

The nurses almost run in, some checking if I need anything others looking at my vagina kinda freaked out by that but still I'm to panicked and scared to care.

"Miss L/n you have dilated 10cm. When you feel the urge to push you need to push. Okay?" She quirks an eyebrow at me. I nod in so much pain.

I've been pushing for 30 minutes Hutao and Zhongli show up. Hutao running to my side. Zhongli standing like 10 feet away from me.
"I'm here Y/n. I've got you. Your gonna get through this." Hutao says slightly shaking me.

My screams are low but loud. Filling the room almost. I'm so hot and sweaty, it's disgusting.

"The baby's heads almost out Y/n we are almost done with the pushing" the doctor says.

"I'm so proud of you Y/n" Xiao whispers words of praise in my ear while My nails are digging in his skin.

"Stop pushing now just breath through your nose and out your mouth" She speaks tone controlled, I listen to her.

1 contraction

"Almost there"

2nd contraction

The room is filled with a baby crying, I'm so relief.
People are congratulating me and telling me how proud they are.
I'm handed my baby. A girl.

At 11:11pm
A little girl called Carlotte Mae L/n was born.
Happy birthday cooper rip 🕊

I am so lucky for now I am in the Uk. Women in America are in danger. girls in America are in danger.
Protest against it, spread news sign petitions to keep roevwade.

Please stay safe 💗

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