Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Two weeks later, I was sitting on the couch with Kurt and Frances who was laying in between us. "She's so fussy today, I hope she's not getting sick." I said, looking down at her. Kurt automatically seemed a little tense when I said this. I kissed him on the cheek and he smiled a little. "Or maybe she just wants her daddy to hold her, since she's already a daddy's girl." I said, smiling at him. Kurt shook his head and grinned. "Nah, she doesn't even know the difference in between us yet." He replied as he picked her up and craddled her in his hands. "I think she does, she at least definitely knows that she likes when you play music. She seems so content." I smiled. Frances whimpered a little, then let out a loud cry. I handed Kurt his guitar and grabbed her from his arms. "Play something, see if she'll calm down." I told Kurt as I rocked Frances in my arms. Kurt began to play a soothing melody that almost sounded like a lullaby. It was beautiful. Frances began to cry less and less, and eventually she drifted to sleep. "Kurt, this is so weird. Incredible, but so weird." I laughed. "I think its because when she was in your belly, we spent a lot of time playing. Its probably soothing to her, because she knows it. She's heard it before." He smiled as he looked down at her, peacefully sleeping. We put Frances in her crib for a nap and I told Kurt that I was going to run to the store really quick. The store was just down the road and it was a really nice day out, so I decided to walk. "Please be careful, hurry back, we'll miss you." Kurt said as he kissed me. I laughed. "I promise." I kissed the tip of his nose and smiled as I walked out the door. It had been so long since I had went for a walk, I missed it. The store was so close by that after I walked for a minute, I could see it in the distance. I caught myself humming a new song that Kurt had wrote, and was drifting away in the thoughts of my overactive mind, when I felt a hand grab my shoulder harshly. I quickly turned around and thought I was going to pass out.
Years ago, before I ever met Kurt or moved to Aberdeen, I dated a guy who had turned out to be a psychopath. He obsessed over me in every way, and was basically a stalker. I never thought I'd see him again, especially not like this.
"Steven? What the fuck are you following me for?" I said nervously, my voice shaking. "Jade, why are you with him? You're MINE. You're supossed to be with me. And that baby is supposed to be mine too. So I'm taking what's mine, that's why I'm following you." He said, with a sick voice as he grabbed my arm firmly and drug me towards his car. My heart was about to explode in my chest. I had seen things like this happening in movies, and had always wondered what I'd do if it were me. Its different when its real, and I had no idea what the fuck to do. I had no weapons, no way to defend myself. But, I had legs and the store wasn't too far. I took a deep breath, kicked him in the balls and ran as fast as I could. I didn't have time to be scared, I didn't look behind me. I kept my eyes focused on my destination and didn't slow down. I was approaching the store as I saw Dave get out of a car. "Dave!!!! Help!!!" I screamed as I kept running. "Jade?! What the fuck?!" He yelled and ran towards my directon. I collapsed into his arms and turned to see Steven looking extremely angry. "Dude, what the fuck is your problem? Leave her alone." Dave said, aggressively. "Jade, go inside the store and call the cops." Dave said very quietly so that Steven couldn't hear. I nodded and ran inside. I was extremely light headed and dizzy, but I walked up to the counter and told the woman what had happened. She called the police for me and I looked outside. "Oh, fuck." I mumbled. Dave and Steven were in a full fledged fist fight on the concrete. I decided to walk outside, standing close to the door. "Hey!!!! Cut it out!!!" I yelled as they both jumped up. "I really fucking hate you, Steven. I could NEVER be with you, okay? I am not yours and I never will be. If you don't leave me alone, you will have hell to pay. Got it?" I said, angrily. He walked over to me and grabbed me firmly, kissing me forcibly. Dave grabbed him and slung him back on the ground. Just in time, the cops pulled up. I let out a sigh of relief. Before I knew it, they were driving away with Steven in the backseat, handcuffed. "Jade, you're lucky as fuck that I pulled in. What the hell is wrong with that guy?" Dave asked as he winced in pain a little from his bloody nose. "He's just a psychopath. Thank you so much for saving me Dave. Is your nose alright?" I asked him. "Yeah, its fine. I'll drop you off at your place, don't wanna risk you getting almost raped again." Dave said, still in shock. Kurt was sitting on the couch, playing guitar when we walked in. "What took you so long? I was worried. And why is Dave here with a bloody nose?" Kurt asked, confused, rushing over to me. I gave Dave a 'How are we gonna tell him?' look and grabbed Kurt's hand. "Kurt, my psycho ex boyfriend basically tried to attack me on the way to the store, Dave pulled in and I took off running towards him. The cops were called, so Steven is thankfully in jail." I sighed. Kurt looked pissed, worried, and hurt all at once. "I'm alright Kurt, I promise." I said as I pulled him close. He hugged me tightly. I winced and he looked at me seriously. "Did he fucking hurt you?" He said, sternly. "I don't think so, I mean he grabbed me really tight and tried to drag me to his car." I mumbled. Kurt gently examined my arms and turned me around to find a large bruise forming. He punched the wall, and stormed out the door to the back deck. "Follow him, he needs you." Dave said, holding ice on his nose. I nodded and went to talk to Kurt. He was sitting with his head in his hands, smoking a cigarette. "I'm really sorry." I almost whispered. "No, don't you be fucking sorry Jade. For nothing. Its my job to protect you, to make sure nothing like that happens to you, and I've failed. If I can't even protect you from almost getting raped just down the street, how the fuck am I going to protect Frances?! I'm a piece of shit." Kurt said as he shook his head angrily and put out the cigarette. "Kurt, stop. I didn't know that was going to happen
And neither did you. You do protect me, I know you'd never let anything happen to me if you can help it. Please stop blaming yourself for EVERYTHING, Kurt. I fucking love you. You do more than enough for me and our daughter. Okay?" I said, looking directly into his piercing blue eyes with my hands holding his face. His eyes made me feel drugged. He nodded, but I could tell he was not alright.

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