Chapter Twenty-six

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A couple of days later, we were finally allowed to come home from the hospital. Kurt had a look in his eyes that I had never seen before. He exploded with happiness everytime he looked down at the two, tiny bright blue eyes of our daughter that were identical to his. It didn't take us very long at all to get our things ready to go, and as we were passing through the waiting room, my eye caught a glimpse of something. "Kurt, hang on a second." I walked over to a table that had a few magazines laying across it. "Cobain baby born a junkie." was written in huge, bold letters across the front. Anger boiled in my veins. 'My child is not a junkie, she is perfectly healthy. God, Kurt is gonna flip out.' I sighed and picked it up before walking back to him. "Our child is three days old and they're already making up bullshit." I said as I handed the magazine to him. Kurt's entire expression shifted. He took a deep breath, threw the magazine in a trashcan and hurried to the car. "Kurt, I know you're pissed. I am too. But lets be thankful that Frances is healthy and that we're going home. Its a big day, lets try not to ruin it." He nodded. I could tell it was really bothering him, but I tried to put all my worries in the back of my mind for today. I wanted to be happy, for Frances. Kurt drove even more careful than normal, which I didn't think was even possible because he drove so slow anyway. It terrified him, having our baby in the car and knowing her life was in his hands. We finally pulled into the driveway and a huge wave of relief washed over me. "We're home, little Bean." Kurt said as he smiled down at Frances. He opened the door to our house and my jaw dropped. "Surprise!" Shelli, Dave, and Krist all yelled as we walked inside. Our somewhat messy house that we left behind before leaving on tour had been cleaned. Pink balloons were everywhere and a "Welcome home" banner hung from the ceiling. "There was a cake too, but Krist ate it." Shelli smiled. "I did not, you jerk!" Krist said as he grabbed a piece of cake with his hand and smashed it in Shelli's face. This sent us all into a fit of laughter. "You guys, this was so sweet of you. I love it." I said, smiling. "So did we tell you guys that the crowd went ape shit after you walked off stage the night Frances was born?" Krist said as he shoved another piece of cake into his mouth. "If they don't understand why I had to leave, they aren't true fans. Fuck them." Kurt mumbled as he looked at Frances being fed in my arms. I could tell something was a little off with him, but I could also tell he was happier than ever. "So what're you guys gonna do about the rest of the tour?" I asked seriously , completely forgetting about it. They all looked at each other as if none of them knew the answer either. "I guess we're gonna hold it off. We need to be home for awhile." Kurt said and smiled a little. Everyone agreed and i couldn't have been more relieved. After Shelli got her turn holding Frances, they decided to let us be alone and get some rest. I rested my head on Kurt's shoulder and looked down at our sleeping daughter resting in his arms. "I want our bed." I mumbled, sleepily. Kurt laughed. "C'mon, my sleepyheads." I followed him upstairs slowly. Kurt placed Frances in her bassinet next to our bed. We decided we wanted her close by for the first few nights. Kurt kissed her tiny head gently, and climbed into bed with me. It was incredibly relieving to finally be back in our own bed. "Kurt, baby are you alright? And I know you, don't lie to me." I mumbled, a little afraid of what he would say. He sighed. "I'm just really fucking upset about those magazines. When Frances is older she's gonna be reading all this. It terrifies me a little. And honestly, i'm scared shitless that I'll be a terrible father, or that we'll have a bad relationship. But I have never loved anyone or anything more than I love this little girl. Its incredible. And frightening ." Kurt said, staring at Frances. "Kurt, its effortless for you. You're perfect with her and you don't even have to try. You couldn't be a horrible father, you love her too much. Its impossible. Stop worrying, okay? I love you." I said as I kissed his forehead. "I love you so fucking much." He replied as he pulled me closer and we peacefully drifted to sleep.

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