Chapter Twenty-Five

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"Kurt, take Frances." I said, gritting my teeth as I handed him our baby. "What the fuck do you think you're doing here mom?" I said, angrily as I slowly stood up from the hospital bed. "Jade, sit down. You're gonna fall or pass out babe, just sit down." Kurt said, nervously. "No, I got this. " I said, turning around to look at him. He wasn't sure what to do, he knew how fucked up my hormones were and that this would not turn out good. "Jade, sweetheart. I just came to meet my grandaughter, is that such a crime?" She said, hurt. "It is when you're high off your ass on coke and haven't even apologized to me for inviting me to your house while cheating on my father. It is when you brought the man with you to meet MY newborn daughter. Frank, get the fuck out." I spat out, glaring at him. He didn't think twice and headed out the door. "Mom, you are not coming a single step closer to my daughter until we fix things. I just gave birth, i'm exhausted and i'm not in the mood to deal with your bullshit. Okay? Now please leave, we'll talk another day. Not here. Not now. Next time, don't bring that family destroyer with you. I'm calling dad the first chance I get." I said, my vision getting blurry. I had no more energy left to deal with anything else so I slowly turned around and walked back to the bed. Kurt hurried over to my side and helped me, with Frances tucked into his other arm. "She's beautiful." My mother said, standing in the doorway with tears in her eyes. "Mom, please. I can't do this right now. I'll talk to you later, okay?" I said, not able to fight the tears anymore. She turned and disappeared down the hall. I cried into Kurt's shoulder as he stroked my hair. "Its gonna be alright, you did the right thing. I promise. She still loves you, and you still love her. She's your mother and now you know how that bond truly is now that you've became a mother yourself. She'll come around, she just picked the worst day and place possible." Kurt said as he kisssed my forehead. He was right. I was just incredibly emotional with too many new feelings that I didn't know how to handle.
A few hours later, the nurse told us we had visitors again. This time, we made sure she asked them their names. Thankfully, it was Shelli and the guys. "Oh my god." Shelli said, grinning and getting teary eyed as she saw baby Frances. "You wanna hold her?" I smiled as I bounced her gently in my arms. "Duh!" Shelli squealed. I carefully handed her over to Shelli. Kurt seemed nervous about someone besides us holding her. But I shot him an "Its just Shelli, she wouldn't dare hurt her" look. He nodded and seemed somewhat relieved. "You guys, she's absolutely perfect. So beautiful. Look, she has Kurt's eyes." Shelli smiled and nudged Krist in the arm. Shelli was sitting in a chair next to me, so I had a good view of Frances' face. "This is your aunt Shelli. And you're uncle Dave, and uncle Krist. They're assholes, but you'll love them to death." I grinned and heard Kurt chuckle. "Awww, how sweet of your mommy." Shelli cooed and gave me the evil eye. I laughed. "Hey Kurt, are your nipples sore yet? How's breastfeeding going for ya?" Dave asked, and we all cracked up. "It fucking hurts, man." Kurt said seriously, grabbing his chest. I was so glad they visited, it was exactly what I needed. They stayed for awhile and said they'd let us rest and be back tomorrow. "I'm so exhausted." I mumbled into Kurt's chest. Frances was sleeping peacefully in her little bassinet next to the bed. "I can't wait to be in our own bed, this piece of shit sucks. But, I wouldn't wanna be anywhere else right now. I've never been happier. I love you both so fucking much." Kurt said, kissing me softly. "I love you too, Kurt." I smiled the biggest smile I've smiled in awhile. You could feel the love and happiness in the room, and it didn't take very long for me to fall fast asleep.

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