Chapter Forty Four

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A week went by, very, very slowly. Kurt was finally allowed some visitation time and I absolutely could not wait. I knew Frances couldn't wait either. She said "Dada" a million times a day, and I tried my best to explain to her that he would be home soon, and that he was just a little sick and needed some help to get better. My little growing buldge on my belly was getting bigger by the minute, and I slipped on Kurt's green shirt he wore in the "Smells Like Teen Spirit" video and a pair of ripped, slim fitting jeans. We were greeted by Debbie at the front, as always. But, she seemed down. And Debbie never seemed down. "You alright, Debbie? I've put my problems on you enough, you can talk to me if you ever need to." I said as Frances stumbled around everywhere. She faked a smile and tears filled her eyes. "My daughter was in a car accident. She's in critical condition. I just left the hospital to get back to work, they said they'd fire me." She said, wiping tears from her eyes. My heart sank. "What? They said they'd fire you? You're the best worker they've got. No. Debbie, go. Be with your daughter. She needs you. I'll talk to them. If they don't listen, then screw them. You're an amazing person, if you lose this job, I know you can find another. Go be with Jessica." I said, taking her hand. She smiled kindly. "Thank you, Jade." She replied. "You guys will be in my thoughts. She's a tough girl, i'm sure she'll pull through. Hey, if you need someone there with you, I'll stop by after I see Kurt. Kay? It'll be alright, Debbie." I said as she hugged me. She thanked me again and headed out the door. I really hoped she'd be alright. They were such good people. I made my way down the all too familiar halls of the rehab facility with Frances in my arms. She must've realized where we were going because all of a sudden, she yelled "Dada" over and over. "Fuck, I really miss Frances. I'm hearing things." I heard Kurt say as we stood outside his door. I laughed. "Knock knock." I said, opening it and peeping my head in. His eyes lit up and a huge grin appeared on his face. "Finally." He whispered as he gently pulled me and Frances into his arms. "We missed you." I said, kissing him deeply. "I missed you way more." He smiled. "Frances has something to give you." I smiled, reaching into my bag. I handed the folded up paper to Frances. "Give it to daddy! You drew it for him, remember?" I told her as she looked at me. She grinned and held it out to him. Kurt's eyes twinkled as he opened it. A tiny teardrop fell from his eye and landed on the paper as he grinned. "Thank you, Bean. I love it. And I love you." He said, lifting her up and kissing her forehead. I was so wrapped up in the moment, that I almost forgot about what happened. "Debbie's daughter was in a car accident. She's in bad shape, they don't know if she'll make it or not. So I think I'm gonna get Shelli to watch Frances a bit and go by there after I leave here. Its all I can do, as good as Debbie has been to us." I said, sighing. Kurt's face dropped. "I hope she'll be alright." He mumbled. I nodded. Kurt stared at Frances with a funny look in his eye, and I knew exactly what he was thinking. "I couldn't imagine losing her either, Kurt." I said, stroking his hair and laying my head on his shoulder. "Or this little growing kiddo." I smiled, putting my hand on my belly. He leaned down and kissed it. "Me either." He mumbled. We layed down on his tiny, twin sized bed and held each other. I was on one side with my head on his chest, Frances on the other. He rubbed my belly and I had to stop myself from drifting to sleep. I missed him too much. Before we knew it, visiting time was up for the day and we had to say our goodbyes for now. I was allowed to come back in a couple of days, and I promised Kurt we'd be back. I dropped Frances off and Krist and Shelli's place and made my way to the hospital to be with Debbie. When I arrived, she was sitting in the waiting room with tears falling down her face. She saw me and smiled the best she could. "Its alright, Debbie. You don't have to fake a smile. I know you're hurting. Its okay to be sad. How is she?" I said as I sat down and put my arm around her. "The same." She said, sniffling. My heart sank. "Hold your little ones close, Jade. You don't know how precious they truly are until you think you might lose them." She said. In that moment, I felt guilty for having healthy children. All my problems seemed so small. Sure, it sucked that Kurt was in rehab, but he was alive and getting better. It made me feel thankful for all the things I'm not thankful enough for. I stayed with her until the rest of her family arrived, and told her to call if anything changed. I went to sleep that night feeling extremely grateful for everything I had.

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