Chapter Thirty One

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"She told me it was free and I gave in. I shouldn't have. But, obviously I won't be speaking to her again. I had no idea she was going to do that." Kurt said with a sleepy voice as he exhaled smoke. "You have no idea how pissed I was last night. I can't wait until Dave gets here. I wanna know what her problem is." I said as I poked my head back in the door to make sure Frances wasn't crying and awake. All I heard was a knock on the door. I hurried to answer it and an annoyed looking Dave was waiting outside. "Okay Dave, what the hell is wrong with that psycho bitch?" I asked as I let him inside. "Basically she was using me to get close to Kurt. She was an obsessed fan pretty much. But obviously she's long gone." Dave sighed. I felt bad for him. I could tell he really liked her to begin with until he found out the truth. "I'm really sorry Dave. You can do so much better though, forget about her!" I said as Kurt walked in the door. "Kurt man, I'm really sorry about what happened. I was just telling Jade, she was an obsessed fan trying to use me to get close to you. I told her to fuck off though, so she's long gone now." Dave sighed again. Kurt looked slightly embarrassed at what Dave said. I don't think he liked girls obsessing over him. I heard Frances jabbering from her room and smiled. Kurt brought her into the living room and we laughed at how she'd squeal over Kurt making funny faces at her. "Well, I gotta get going guys. I gotta go cut things off with Nikki for good and make sure I change my phone number and all that shit. I should probably leave town too." Dave sighed and slightly smiled. "Good luck!! Just call Kurt if you need backup." I joked as I poured myself a glass of water. "Gee thanks, that'll work real well." Dave smiled and shook his head before walking out the door. I picked up a guitar that was propped up against the couch and began playing. Kurt and Frances both had their eyes locked on me. In that moment it was like the rest of the world didn't exist. We spent the day laughing together, holding each other, playing music and crawling around with Frances in the floor. It was perfect.
A week later, the band was starting up another tour. I was nervous, since it had been awhile and we now had a child to take care of. We decided it would be good to hire a nanny. Just for the nights when we'd need someone to watch her a few hours. We chose a really sweet, older lady named Sue who had lots of experience. I was really nervous about bringing Frances on a plane, but after the first flight I started to not worry so much. We finally arrived in Europe and I was kinda excited since it was my first time being out of the country. On the way to the hotel, a few teenage girls who were fans stopped to talk to us. All three of them were blushing, but trying not to freak out. "Do you mind signing this? I love your music a lot." One of them said, smiling nervously. "Sure, I really appreciate it." Kurt smiled as he grabbed the album and signed it. He liked interacting with fans when they treated him like a normal person and there wasn't an overwhelming crowd. "You're Jade right? You're really pretty. And Frances is so cute." Another one of the girls said. "Thank you so much!" I smiled and couldn't help but feel flattered. I took a picture of all three of them with Kurt, then they asked for Kurt to take a picture of me with them. It was so strange, feeling famous. I couldn't imagine how Kurt felt. We said goodbye to the fans and made our way up to our hotel room. It was a super nice room with a balcony overlooking the city. Frances was exhaused and sound asleep not long after we got settled in. Kurt played with my hair as we sat on the bed talking. "Ya know, I never told you this. But, that night you came to see our show, before we met. I saw you in the crowd. And I thought you were the most beautiful human I had ever layed my eyes on. The day we met, I was in pure shock that it was you." Kurt said, smirking. I grinned. "Kurt, you're totally fucking with me." I said as I nudged him in the arm. He smiled. "I'm totally not. But we can if you wanna." He grinned as he kissed my neck. "Kurt!! You perv!" I laughed and he pulled me closer to him. I kissed him passionately and tangled my fingers in his hair. I stradled myself on his lap as we slid our shirts off frantically. Then, I heard the door open. I quickly slid off his lap and pulled a blanket around me, startled. "Oh, i'm so sorry, i should've knocked." Sue said awkwardly. "No, we're sorry. We should've locked the door or something." I said, looking at the ground with a red face. Kurt looked embarrassed too. "I was just making sure you didn't need me for anything." Sue smiled. "No, we're alright right now. But thank you so much. You're too kind, Sue." I smiled at her. "Well, goodnight then, sleep well." She said before walking out the door. "Goodnight, you too." I replied before falling into Kurt's arms and covering my face. He slightly laughed. "Well, it could've been way way worse if she came in a minute later." He said as he stroked my hair. "Oh, really Cobain? How so?" I asked him, grinning. "I'll show you if you really wanna know." He smiled. I nodded as we fell into a kiss and finished what we started. It was a perfect ending to a hectic day.

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