Once inside I take a good look around. The house is beautiful. And huge! The white marble floors look like glass, with a white marble staircase on the left and right sides of the entryway. Off to the left is a cozy looking living room, with a giant tv on the wall in front of the cream leather sectional. The end tables and coffee table  is glass with beautiful matching flower arrangements one each, the coffee table arrangement slightly larger. "We stayed here right before Covid, when we filmed ON and Black Swan videos." I just nod and keep looking at all the beautiful art pieces that adorn the walls in places. "Do you really like it here?" I smiled and nod rapidly like a child would. "My hyungs did this for us. With some help from Kayla." I turn my head to look at him and see him looking at me with so much adoration. "Really? Just for us?" He smiles and nods. I'm speechless. His members flew across the world and are spending a fortune renting this house, all just so we could see each other. They really do love each other. "I don't know what to say." He pulls me to him and wraps his strong arms around me, leaning down to gently place his lips on mine. I pull back and stare into his eyes. I could get lost in his chocolate eyes forever. He's showing me his adorable side right now, his bright bunny smile with his boba eyes locked onto only me. I start to flush a little with embarrassment at how intensely he's staring. "I should go thank everyone for doing this just so we can see each other." He smiles and nods. "Alright." I lean up to peck his pink lips and then he leads me toward the back of the house where everyone is lounging.

We walk back, hand in hand, and I take my view of everyone who came together just to give Jungkook and I a little time together. Being an ARMY I always knew BTS was amazing....but THIS amazing was beyond my belief. They're devotion to each other is like none other I've ever seen before. "Let's sit over by Jin hyung." I just smile and nod and allow him to lead me to a lounge chair. Jin is laid back with his eyes closed. Jungkook gets down onto the chair, leaving one leg on the ground on each side. He looks up at me, pats the spot in front of him and says, "I'm not letting you away from me this whole time together noona. I'm not wasting a moment, so sit." I feel my cheeks tinting pink but smile and sit between his legs. Once I sit, he pulls be back so my back rests on his chest. "Put your legs up noona so I can too and get comfortable with my baby." I do as he says and he then brings his legs up to rest on the outside of my legs. He then wraps his arms around my middle and his hands find mine and intertwines our fingers. I hear my boyfriend let out a sigh and then hums, "This is prefect." I squeeze his hands and enjoy this moment of being wrapped in his arms.

After a little while snuggled against Junkooks rock hard chest, I don't even know how it could be comfortable but it is, I look around at the members and notice me and Kayla aren't the only women here. I see Namjoon sitting on a couch together with a woman near a fire pit and Hoseok playing ping pong with a beautiful young woman. Both women were beyond beautiful actually. Both having long shiny black hair that flows down their backs. Hoseoks guest wore a large hat to protect her porcelain skin, while Namjoons guest was in the shade. Both appeared to be Korean and I felt so inadequate in their presence. My looks couldn't compare to theirs. Jimin and Taehyung were over playing badminton with a speaker playing music softly facing them. They were laughing and looked like they were having a good time. I can tell they're close. I start looking around more, swinging my head back and forth over and over. "Ella, is something wrong?" Jungkook asks but I ignore him and sit up more, scanning the yard. "Where is Kayla?" Jin speaks up, "Probably fucking." I whip my head toward the man that never opened his eyes, and I'd sworn was asleep, as he spoke. "What?! Who?" I scan both Jungkooks and Jin's faces for an answer. "Hyung." Jungkook softly pleads to his friend. Jin sighs and opens one eye towards us both. "You're a smart girl I hear Ella. Educated. Take a look around and figure out who else is missing." "Hyunngg!" Jungkook now whines to his elder. I quickly scan everyone and it takes only a moment to realize who else is missing. I gasp. "Yoongi!" Jin chuckles and closes his eye. "See. Smart." "Hyuuuuunnnggggg!" Jungkook let's out a third time, letting him know how much of an awkward spot he just put him in. Jin smirks and shrugs. "She's not a baby Kook, she's older than you are in fact. She knows they got together in Chicago.....when you two also did...." "Hyuuuuunnnnnnggggggg!" Jin laughs as I spin to look at Jungkook with wide eyes. He told them? I mean, I expected they knew we slept together but....he told them?! "Wouldn't it seem fitting for Yoongi-ah and Kayla to come together again if they both enjoyed it the first time? They've disappeared together a few times already in the two days we've been here." Jungkook gives up and buries his face in his hands. I poke him and whisper yell. "They know about us? All of them?" "All of us Ella. We are all very close. And, if you remember, you both acting foolishly for two months almost took our maknae out. We had to help him through to lick his wounds." I tilt my head to Jungkook while he kept his face in his hands shaking it. "What? Licking your wounds? Did you hurt yourself?" He pops his head up to me. "Baby no. It's an....what you call it in English...." "An expression." Jin adds his finals words while chuckling with his eyes closed. "Yes, an ex.press.shon." I can help but smile when his English is off a bit. He's so cute! "I wasn't really hurt baby, my heart was hurt. The hyungs stayed by my side and helped me get through it." I look down, embarrassed that I was the cause of his hurt and torment. "Hey...don't do that." He pleads with me. I shake my head and keep it down. Jungkook sees a tear drop into my lap. He grabs my face with both hands and pulls me up to look at him. "Please don't cry baby. It pains me to see you sad." Sniffling I say, "But I caused all that for you. And for your friends. I'm so sorry." Jungkooks cups my face with his hands, visibly looking concerned. "No, don't say that noona. We've talked this out. I hurt you too. We hurt each other. But we're together now hm? That's all that matters. You in my arms now is all that matters to me. Please don't be sad. I want only happy memories from this time." He brushes my tears away with his thumbs and leans in to kiss me softly. I kiss him back and lean back to wipe the tears from my face. "Ok, yes. You're right. The past is the past. What matters is now and making happy memories now." My man smiles, nods, and I lean in to kiss him. I feel Jungkooks tongue skim my lips causing me to gasp. He uses this opportunity to enter my mouth and explore. I lean toward him and he grabs the back of my head and twists a fist full of hair to tug on. When he does I accidentally let out a small moan into his mouth. "Ah ah ah lovers. We all are overjoyed that you have found your way back to each other, but we don't want to watch the whole show. If you want to moan go to your room like Yoongi-Ah and Kayla do." I pull my lips from his and whip my gaze to Jin again. He lays there still, but a smirk spread across his lips. A new revelation I learned about Kim Seokjin that day....that man is naughty!

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