chapter 114

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July flew by quickly. Remus and Pete visited the Potters' at least twice a week, and even if it was difficult to sneak more than a few minutes alone with Remus, Sirius enjoyed himself nonetheless. James spent three whole days fretting about having dinner with Evans' parents, but of course it went fine, and he came back feeling confident they had liked him. James had told Sirius that, luckily for him, Evans' sister hadn't bothered to show up, and Sirius agreed with James that that had probably been for the best.

Unfortunately, July had two full moons that year, the second one falling on the last Saturday of the month. Remus had told Sirius not to come and see him before or after - he'd said that he would be fine with his parents to look after him, and Sirius had agreed, albeit reluctantly.

On Sunday evening, Remus kept up his end of the bargain, and wrote to Sirius.


The moon went fine. It wasn't as easy as it is when I have you and the others, but I didn't expect it to be. But it was okay. A new scar, but nothing fatal.

I have some good news, actually. Dad has to go away for business next week, and Mum's visiting her cousin, so the house will be empty for a couple of days. You can come over and spend the night, if you want, on Tuesday. I thought about inviting James and Peter, but I think I'd prefer it if it was just us, if you want that as well, obviously. Let me know. And think of something to tell James.


Sirius grinned to himself. "Oi, Prongs!" he yelled.

"Yeah, mate?" James called from his room.

"I'm going to Andromeda's again on Tuesday, I'm gonna sleep at hers."

"Sounds good," James yelled, "just be back for Friday, we've got the Harpies' match."

So on Tuesday, under the pretence that he was going to Andy's, Sirius apparated to the Lupin cottage. He appeared on the doorstep and knocked the door eagerly, only for it to swing open seconds later.



Sirius stared at Remus for a second, and they just smiled at each other.

"Can I come in?"

"Oh, right, yeah." Remus took a step back quickly, allowing Sirius to enter.

Sirius let the door shut behind him, and then dropped his bag, pulling Remus down to kiss him. Remus responded instantly, picking Sirius up without breaking the kiss, and when Sirius wrapped his legs around him, Remus walked him into the living room, dropping Sirius unceremoniously on the sofa and straddling him.

"It has been far too long," Remus declared.

"Bloody friends," Sirius smirked, "wanting to spend time with us, what arseholes."

"They're the worst," Remus said solemnly.

"Come on then, Moony." Sirius pulled Remus down until their noses were touching. "Are you gonna show me what I've been missing?"

"God, yes," Remus said, pressing his hips down and causing Sirius to groan. "Missed this. Missed you."

"Me too, Merlin, me too."

It had been a while, so in the end, they didn't take long. When they were done, Remus dragged Sirius away from the sofa and up into his room. Remus' room was like a manual to how Remus became Remus; the shelves and desks were all littered with items from old hobbies, the books that were stacked ranged from picture books collecting dust to thick novels, and for some reason, he seemed to be collecting used mugs - Sirius could count at least seven balanced precariously on his bedside table or just left on the floor haphazardly.

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