Chapter 38

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Arriving back home at Grimmauld Place, the first thing Sirius noticed was how cold the house was. It was always like that - cold, draughty and unwelcoming.

"Why don't you go upstairs, Regulus," his mother said in a clipped tone. "I need to have a conversation with your brother about his behaviour this year."

Regulus shot Sirius a nervous glance, but nodded dutifully and went up the stairs. His mother turned and walked into the living room, and Sirius followed, his heart pounding in his chest.

"You really outdid yourself this year, Sirius," his mother said coldly, standing with her back to him, facing the mural of the Black family tree. "Ever since your Sorting, you've associated with unsavoury characters, but this year... Dating a half-breed, do you really think that's acceptable for a member of the House of Black?"

Sirius gritted his teeth. "I broke up with Marlene."

His mother whirled around. " Months after I told you to! The fact that you even engaged with someone like that at all is shameful, and then, you disobey my direct orders!"

"I liked Marlene," Sirius said, holding his head high, even as he began to sweat, "she was nice."

"I don't care about her name! I care about this!" She pointed to the family tree behind her. "Our family! Our noble heritage! And you forsake that, for some dirty Gryffindor girl! How dare you? How dare you betray your own family?"

"I won't apologise!" Sirius yelled. "I'm not sorry!"


The skin of his stomach tore open, and Sirius gasped and keeled over. His mother approached, and stared down at him beneath his nose.

"You are a disgrace," she spat, "and I won't let you continue to insult our family's legacy. Not anymore!"

His vision was starting to blur. But he was Heir to the fucking House of Black, and he wasn't going to pass out there on the floor. Tensing his stomach, he got to his feet, fighting to stand up straight, and not show any pain on his face as he looked his mother in the eye. He walked out of the room steadily, and only just made it to his bedroom before collapsing.

When he awoke, it was morning, so he must have slept for over twelve hours. He'd been healed, and his stomach was unblemished, but when he sat up, he winced in pain. Kreacher must have stopped giving him any pain relief potions, the bastard.

He debated whether or not to leave his room. On one hand, he didn't want to see any member of his family, but on the other hand, he should probably eat as much as possible while his food wasn't being restricted.

Sighing, he compromised by dressing in muggle clothes rather than robes before going downstairs. Regulus was already in the kitchen, eating breakfast, and fixed Sirius with a judgemental glare when he saw what he was wearing.

"Are you trying to make Mother angry?" he asked.

"Nope," Sirius said, grabbing some toast, "I'm just minding my own business."

Regulus tutted, and they ate in a tense silence. "We have more lessons today," he said eventually, "we need to be in the library in fifteen minutes."


Sirius finished eating and went back to his room, grabbing some ink and parchment. When he entered the library, his mother was standing at the end of the room, waiting for him, Regulus already sitting at one of the desks. He was as tall as his mother now, Sirius realised, and he didn't need to look up to reach her eye.

His mother eyes his clothes disdainfully, but didn't say anything. She waited for Sirius to sit down, tapping her foot impatiently, before launching into another long, perfectly-rehearsed lecture.

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