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Hogwarts au


The male reached for the book, grabbing it before seeing another hand right next to his. Lifting his head up, Wilber stared at Carl, shocked.

"What're you doing here?"

"To buy a book, obviously. Now let go, I saw this first."

Wilber frowned, pulling the book closer to him.

"Oh please, you can't even read. Hence the lack of brain, now you let go you nitwit."

Both of them didn't move, taking turns pulling the book back and forth. They glared at each other, spatting insults left and right. After a minute, Wilber had enough and pulled the item out of Carl's grasp, turning around and quickly running out of that aisle. Carl let out an angered grunt, following behind as he shouted the other's name.

The whole chase ended up lasting about 10 minutes, both of them tossing the book back and forth, dodging other people and parkouring throughout the bookstore, somehow. Eventually once Wilber got his hands on the book, he ran straight to the checkout line, which was luckily empty. Carl gasped, catching up and skidding to a stop when Wilber had already paid.

He gave a loud groan of frustration before the male turned to him with a small smile. He chuckled and handed the book to him, not saying another word as he walked away. Confused, Carl gave the cashier a look and walked away too. He breathed a sigh of relief, finally having the book but mumbling complaints about that whole thing.

When he got home, he opened the book to see a piece of paper floating out of the pages. Written on the front was Wilber's number, a voice similar to his reading it out loud, before finishing with a call me.

..What the f_ck? Oh don't tell me he's hitting on me, he's already hogging my Quackity.

Carl frowned, rolling his eyes and giving a small snicker.

Stupid d_ck. Napsap is most definitely hearing about this. 

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