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Requested by @Midnight_the_goddess

Dragon Au


Good flew down and landed, curious on where the smaller male he saw earlier fell. Taking a few steps forward, he heard bushes nearby rustle and immediately looked over at them. Approaching the bushes, the dragon knelt down and reached in, grabbing a foot and dragging the stranger out.

Examining them, Good recognized the smaller. Twigs and leaves scattered messily in his hair as his clothes were almost torn to separate pieces. But something else caught his eyes.

It was a small necklace, a moonstone carved in the shape of a star shimmering in the light. The object dangled around the stranger's neck. Scooting over, Good stared at the necklace and reached over. That was until the other gave a groan and swatted his claw away, rolling to his side.

"Back off.. ugh.. I think I broke my rib.." The smaller muttered, mostly to himself.

Good frowned, slightly frustrated with himself that he wasn't able to get his hands on that pretty shiny thing. He let out a small huff, nudging the dazed out other.

Once Jef was able to process what had happened, he sat up and scooted back, eyes wide as he tried his best to get away from him. Good only stood there, unamused.

"W-what—" Jef choked out, "What do you want from me? You pumpkinhead you could've knocked me out dead cold. I'm not letting you feast on me nor am I handing over my necklace."

The dragon Jef was oh so very scared of tilted his head, letting out a quiet rawr. Shaking his head, Good turned around and got ready to take off. Jef gasped and quickly stood up, ignoring the pain as he rushed to him.

"Wait I need help!"

But Good had already taken off. Jef groaned and stamped his foot on the dirt floor.

"What's wrong with me? Oh gosh dragons really freaking hate me do they?" He sighed.

Tucking the gem inside of his hoodie, he set off on foot to what he thought was the West.


It had been a few days since the encounter. Jef was still lost, getting more and more frustrated. The dragon, who wasn't Good and was the one that had picked up the male into the sky and dropped him was nowhere to be seen either.

Stopping himself from taking another step, Jef sat down and pulled his hood up, rubbing his head as he tried to get himself to focus.

"Okay uhm.."

As he tried thinking of what he should do, a small purr was heard right behind him. Jef jumped and stood up, turning to see who had made that noise. And to his surprise, it was Good, eyes wide and focused on the smaller.

Anger boiling inside of Jef as he crossed his arms. He then gave a sigh and gazed down.

"If I give you attention will you get me back home?"

Jef assumed that was what the dragon wanted. Looking up to his silver snout, he was expecting him to deny the offer. But instead of doing so, Jef, once again, was picked up by his hood and lifted high into the air.

Jef noticed how high they had gone up for that one second and shrieked in fright. Never had he even thought of going as high as to reach the clouds. The wind blew past the two, the male trying to get Good to let him down. Even with his efforts, Good refused and flew off, still holding the other by his hood.

Not long after doing nothing but looking down and holding back his shouts, Jef noticed a small house coming to view. He smiled, glad he was approaching home. But once again before he could even blink, the dragon had let go of him.


Good laughed in amusement and raced down. Jef didn't notice, closing his eyes and flailing his arms around. And once again, before Jef could crash like he did last time, something as smooth as his gemstone caught him and set him down.

Jef panted, catching his breath. He glared at the larger and puffed his cheeks out.

"Nuh uh. No. Don't ever do that again. I could've died!"

And once again, Good only stared at him, or rather his necklace that had escaped from underneath his hoodie. Jef started lecturing him, not noticing he had ran off a little later because according to the dragon, this human was being an annoying little dipsh_t.

(And then Jef was safe and sound in his house and then Good broke in a couple days later and bothered him about giving him attention and the necklace the end)

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