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'Welp, he found out.'


Jef tried to get up, but Good's grip tighten.

"Good, this is the second time this month, let me go," Jef groaned.


Jef sighed and gave up trying. He looked over at Good, who was slowly waking up.

"Good morning you sleepyhead," Jef chuckled.

"It's not morning you dumb_ss."

"I know."


Since Good was extra clingy today, they walked home while holding hand.

At home, Jef made Good's favorite cupcakes. Of course, adding the orange frosting before giving them to him.

Good happily chewed the yummy goodness, keeping him occupied for some time.

Jef's wolf ears twitched, realizing he was hearing Good purr quietly.

'Wait... is he.. purring? But I thought only cats could purr.'

Jef shrugged it off and walked back to the kitchen to clean all of the mess.


"Good! Stop trying to touch my tail!"

"B-but it looks so fluffy. Can I just give it one poke?" Good asked.


The door suddenly slammed open. Jef jolted from the sudden sound, and since he was part wolf now, his hearing was more sensitive than before.

"I heard Jef's a part wolf now?" Napsap exclaimed excitedly.

"Uh.. yeah, he is."

Napsap squealed and speed walked over to the mentioned wolf.

Jef looked down at the smaller boy is confusion. Napsap reached up and placed his hand onto his head, giving him headpats.

Good watched, gradually feeling more jealous as Jef kneeled down more, leaning into Napsap's hand.


"Ok thanks for visiting good bye!"


Good slammed the door shut after pushing Napsap out of the house.

Jef sighed with annoyance before chucking.

"Did your extra clinginess make you jealous?"

"Shut up you stupid mutt!!"

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