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Starting soon

"Hey everybody!"

(Y/n) turned off the starting soon tab and turned their face cam on.

"Since we've been playing on the Dream smp for a while now, I wanted to pay the Nightmare smp a visit. What do you say chat?"

(Y/n) read some of the comments. Having Minecraft already loaded up on the screen. They pressed the server that was named Nightmare smp.


(U/n) joined the game

Nightmare: hello (y/n)

(U/n): hey nightmare

(Y/n) had spawned in their house. It looked the same the last time they left it. They walked out, seeing more buildings than before.

"Woah... those are really tall."

A ding went off, signaling that someone joined the voice chat.

"Hello (Y/n)! I haven't seen you here in a while," Nightmare greeted.

"Hey Nightmare! How have you been?"

(Y/n) pressed tab to see who was on while Nightmare chuckled.


"I've been well. We've been trying to rebuild some things that got blown up during the... war..."

Nightmare sweat dropped. Remembering the chaos that happened.

"Ooo nice!"



"(Y/n)! Finally you can help me," Jef cheered.

"Oh hey Jef. What do you need help with?"

(Y/n) walked around, admiring the new towers and other structures. They spotted Jef's character jumping around and joined him.

"I'm trying to build an underground base for Good and I but Tobbu keeps blowing it up."

"Ok, I'll try to drive him away, I guess."




Tobbu puffed out his cheeks in anger.

"Then stop blowing my base up!"

Jef and Tobbu started arguing while (Y/n) just watched in the background.

"Looks like this is gonna go on for a looooooonnngggg time. Ight imma head out, peace!"

(Y/n) left the voice chat and snickered.

"Alright, let's go check on Booran. I wanna see what he's doing,"




"But Booran," (Y/n) whined.


(Y/n) grumbled.

"Fine. I'll go hang out with Timmy."




(Y/n) wore an annoyed look on their face. But that immediately changed after joining the voice chat that Timmy was in.

"Oh! Hello (Y/n)," Timmy greeted.

"Hey Timmy! Whatcha doing?"

(Y/n)'s character jumped happily as they looked around.

"I'm helping Jef get some things for his base he was gonna make. I left Tobbu there so I'm not sure how Jef is dealing with him," Timmy explained.

(Y/n) snickered when he mentioned Tobbu.

"Oh don't worry, I checked on them a while ago. They're doing fine."

Timmy sighed in relief.

"That's good."


"Timmy you better take Tobbu with you before I lose it," Jef growled.


(Y/n) did one last lap around the whole place.

"Alright chat, I guess I'll end the stream now. I hope everyone is feeling good. And until next time, bye!"

(Y/n) waved at their face cam before ending the stream.

Stream has ended

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