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Robot au

Tw: needles/syringes, violence, blood(?)



(Op) George stepped back, an angered look on his face.

"You lied to me!"

"I'm sorry it was m-my mission please!—"

"Shut up! I don't care about your stupid f_cking mission! Droid N..."

Nightmare lit up, looking right at George. His eyes were blank and emotionless.

"Power off."

A short buzz was heard as Nightmare closed his eyes, now shut down.

George walked closer to the droid, his breathing heavy. Cupping one of his cheeks, he gave a saddened look and sighed.

Right at that moment, a crash came from his window. He gasped, turning around to be hit on the head with a metal bat, knocking him out.


"Droid 295, power on."

Nightmare's eyes shot open, the shine in them coming back. He gasped in shock and stammered over his words.


"Silence. You have done well in your mission, but.."

Nightmare waited for them to finish their sentence, almost sweating bullets.

"Since you are no longer of use, we're gonna need to send you to the oven."

The droid froze in shock and dread. Did he hear that correctly? After months of keeping up with this and now he was gonna get burned and melted.

'What do I do what do I do?! George isn't gonna be glad seeing me after what I did!! I'm so stupid!'

Nightmare couldn't help but feel guilt eat him up. Doing the first thing that came to his system, he turned around and jolted out the room, which caught his creator off guard.


In another room, a syringe of blue liquid was inserted into an unconscious George. As the liquid was pushed into his body, he immediately woke up, an angered look on.

"F_CKING HELL NO DON'T YOU DARE GET NEAR ME WITH YOUR GRUBBY FINGERS AND FAT_SS!!" George shouted, struggling against the cuffs that held both his wrists and ankles down.

Even through all the loud noises, the scientists didn't seem fazed at all, they merely just continued their work.

Noticing that nothing that he was doing was working at all, George stopped, almost completely exhausted.

"That little traitor of a sh_t robot," George grumbled, closing his eyes in defeat.

The male sat there, glaring at anyone who even came close to him. George could only just wait till something happened.

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