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Requested by @Midnight_the_goddess

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Requested by @Midnight_the_goddess

Warning: bl00d


Good continued to walk, cautiously keeping his hand near his belt in case he needed to take his dagger out. He could feel goosebumps on his skin as well as eyes watching his every move. As the demon continued to walk, he heard something step on a stick right behind him.

He gasped and grabbed whoever it was, pushing them against a nearby tree and forcing the dagger against their chest. Good's eyes widened, just while Jef grunted in slight pain and tried breaking free.

"What are you doing following me?" Good growled, his wings twitching in disbelief.

The other stayed quiet, keeping their gaze on Good.


Good slowly grew impatient, fighting the urge of stabbing the other.

"I'm lost," Jef answered, almost too casually.

Good didn't believe him, pushing the dagger through the layer of fabric.

"If you're so lost, stop following me. I'm not your free meal."

Jef winced, the dagger starting to draw blood from his skin.

"I know. I'm not gonna eat you. Now let me go."

"Then stop f_cking following me!"


Good's eyes widened, staring at the dagger that was now deep in Jef's shoulder. But, the other only looked at him. Starting to panic, Good picked Jef up bridal style and hurried to his hut cottage thing or whatever.


Good was able to bandage his wound up, relieved the pack of wolves would be less angry. Being mauled by them all would be a big yikes, especially if they all already hated you. Jef thanked him, placing his hand on the covered wound and standing up,

"Wait, you're not staying?"

Jef was taken aback from this question, since he expected the demon to shoo him away and not be seen for at least a week.



Jef sighed and opened up the door, looking behind to glance at the other one last time.

"See you next time then.."

And that was the last of Jef, until their next encounter.

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